Finally Done! (Edited)

Start from the beginning

We go into the diner. Carley went with Ellie and Arthur....I don't know why but whatever.

Once we get a seat Carley came right over to sit next to me. Whatever doubt i had before I don't anymore. I grab her hand.

She cuddles into my chest. I smile as I cuddle her back

"Alright you two, you can do that later. Lets find out what we are gonna eat" Ellie said

"Ok" Carley said but then quickly peck my lips. It was so fast I didn't even get to kiss her back. And that's my favorite part

Once we all knew what we wanted we put the order in then got the food 20 minutes later. Then everyone went back to their houses to get ready for the big moment. Us graduating

After getting a shower, again I now have a chair in the shower. I also shaved. My mom got me a mirror I could actually see myself. I get my clothes on. Or try to do it but I can't seem to do it. Making me frustrated. I mean I got my boxers on but that's all I could do now. God!

"Mom! Michelle! James! Anyone I need your help" I yelled from my room

"Coming!" My mom yelled. She comes into my room. "Yes sweetie?" She asked me

"I uh need help changing my bottom self" I said to her awkwardly

"Well you got your boxers on. I'm very proud of you" She said with a smile

"Yeah well now I need help with the pants and socks" I said

"Ok. How about your shirt and tie?" She asked me

"I think I can do that by myself. But if I need help I'll call you" I said

"Ok let's get your pants on" She said and grabbed the pants on the bed. "Why don't you go on the edge of the bed" She said

"Are you sure mom?" I asked

"Yeah just sit enough that I can get these on you" She said as she helped me on to the bed

Once I was on the bed I held onto the edge on the bed as my mom put my pants on. Then my socks

"Thanks mom. Can you help me back into my scooter?" I asked

"Of course. But put your tie and white shirt into your basket" She said as she puts it into my hands

"Ok" I said and put it into my basket

I rode over back into my bathroom and did my white shirt. I button it up the shirt. Then slowly tried to do my tie. But I got frustrated again. I hate doing the tie

"Mom!" I yelled

She comes running. "Yes sweetie?" She asked

"You know how to tie a tie right?" I asked her

"Of course" She comes over to me and moves the mirror I was using out of the way. "You know your dad still needed help with this" She said

"Can we not talk about dad. I'm still mad he hit you" I said angry

"The important thing is that I'm with my children. and I'm happy" She said doing the tie. "And there. All done" She said standing back up

I looked into my mirror and looked good

"Thanks mom" I said with a smile

"No problem you're my first boy. And your graduating. I'm so proud of you" She said getting teary

"Hey I didn't graduate yet mom. So don't cry too hard" I said joking

"You're right. Let's get you into the living room and take some pictures of you and your cousins in your graduation gowns" She said

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now