Part 19

39 4 16

The next day...

June 4th, 2022
9:16 AM

"Making things right."

Anthony POV
Waking up I found Camilla peacefully sleep next to me. I smiled at my beautiful girlfriend. I'm so blessed to have her. We're blessed to have each other.

I been thinking about marriage lately. But I don't want to move too fast you know? Then again, it's like ain't no such thing as moving too fast when it comes to her.

Plus we can't get married until we turn 18. I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake her up. I don't want to wake her up because she looks too comfortable. But I know I got to wake her up soon.

I turned off my L.E.D lights that I left on. I exited the bedroom and walked into the living room to check on Aniyah and Zion.

I found Aniyah knocked out while Zion is laid back on the recliner looking at a movie.

Anthony: "what you looking at?"
Zion: "Some shark movie from Netflix."
Anthony: "is it good?"
Zion: "yep."

I looked over at Aniyah.

Anthony: "I see she's still sleep."
Zion: "I tried waking her up but she fell asleep again."
Anthony: "don't worry about it. They'll get up soon."
Zion: "Camilla must be sleep too?"

Anthony chuckled.

Anthony: "yes she is."
Zion: "so we're the first two up."
Anthony: "mhm."


Zion: "well, speaking of that...."

Camilla walked in.

Anthony: "hey baby. I thought you was sleep."
Camilla: "I was. I noticed you wasn't in the bed anymore so that's why I got up."
Anthony: "oh... sorry. You looked comfortable and I didn't want to wake you up."
Camilla: "that's okay, good morning Zion."
Zion: "morning."
Anthony: "oh yeah, quick warning... my friends are coming over at 11."

Aniyah woke up.

Aniyah yawned.

Aniyah: "what y'all talking about?"
Anthony: "I was just telling everyone that my friends are coming over at 11."
Aniyah: "oh cool."
Anthony: "soooo y'all want to meet them or do you want me to take y'all home before they get here?"
Zion: "I don't have a problem with meeting them. I love meeting new people."
Aniyah:  "they aint new people to me. I already met them so it really don't make a difference."

Of course she has already met them because they all go to the same school together.

Anthony: "well on that note, I'm going to take a shower."

Amiyah & Cash

Amiyah and Cash are in Miami Flordia to check out the mansion. They left at 6AM and it was a 3 hour flight.

They finally arrived. The mansion is beautiful. Also, due to Cash being a 1st round, pick 1, his net worth is $30 million.

So yes, he is the highest paid football player out of the 1st round.. well out of the draft period if we are being honest here.

He rocks #8 and as you all know he is playing cornerback. He basically guards the wide receivers.

He can't wait to get out there and show his talents.

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