Chapter 45: The Rose

Start from the beginning

"Maybe something in the entertainment industry?" he suggested.

I lifted my eyes from the the dizzying words on the page and gave Sasori the are-you-serious look, "You think that's likely for someone like me? I like to be entertained, not the other way around".

"Not even an artist or a writer?" he continued to ask.

I pursed my lips, "I think that might be a better idea for me after I'm retired or something...I want to do something that...makes a difference in the world while I can" I said thoughtfully.

"A politician?".

"No way! Their arguments give me a headache" I groaned.

He laughed, put down his book and laced his fingers together, "Scientist? Mathematician?".

I shook my head, "I dunno...just something that will affect other people significantly..." I shrugged.

At this point, I guessed that Sasori had decided to stop asking me for answers about my cloudy future.

"Seems like you've got the conditions for most careers though..." he said, "As demonstrated by my friends downstairs...".

I turned a little red, "It doesn't help me make up my mind. I'd feel better about myself if I got the job I wanted with just my brains...and maybe a little bit of brawn" I chuckled.

He laughed with me, "You're rather mature for a girl your age, so why would you choose to hang out with someone as immature as Sasuke?" he asked, his arms crossed as if he were challenging me.

I shrugged, "Maybe I'm just looking for a balance. Some immaturity to balance out my own maturity" I said vaguely, "Honestly, I determine who I hang out with according to how well I get along with them. If they have a good personality, I'm naturally attracted to them".

Sasori raised his eyebrows at me.

I widened my eyes, realizing what I said, "I mean, not in that way! Just, when, hang out with them and stuff, just for fun...uh, friends" I stammered, tripping over every other word.

I inwardly slapped myself for being so stupid. It honestly wasn't anything to get all flustered over.

"Yeah, yeah, I get what you mean" Sasori said, nodding, "Like us, right?".

I nodded quickly, "Yeah! Like that!" I agreed without hesitation.

He nodded, "Good, it seems you aren't an idiot when it comes to judgement" he applauded lightly.

I found it ironic that Sasuke could have all these older guys around him to give him advice yet he still chooses to let that Hana girl ruin his life...again.

"Yeah, unlike some people..." I muttered under my breath as I flipped another page.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked.

I jumped, "Uh, nothing, I was just thinking-".

"Why Sasuke couldn't be as good as seeing what's good and bad for him like you can?" he finished, leaning back in his chair.

I fidgeted nervously, "Uh, no...I was actually thinking of my...other friend...Liz" I lied slowly, a little unsettled by his eerily accurate guesses.

"Seems like my mind reading trick didn't work that time" Sasori shrugged, "But it's true, Sasuke isn't really good at judging what's good or what's bad. When he gets upset, he just rushes into things without a second thought. I'm actually quite worried about him in this aspect..." Sasori said thoughtfully as he stared up at the ceiling.

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