Chapter Eight - A Terrible Night

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We take a few steps forward and hear glass shatter, wondering what is happening. Walking back down the hallway, we froze at sight before us. There Andy stood still, a small screwdriver in his right hand. Staring at us, his hand blood red. Stepping around the table, Lena jumped back in horror. Her scream was deafening as we saw Petunia's lifeless body across the floor. The pool of blood trailed down from her head to her feet. Shuffling closer, clear stab wounds dotted her frail body. Taking a step back, I tried to comfort Lena, as she couldn't help but boil over.

"Dad... what the fuck did you do!" she shouts, his face emotionless.

"Your mother, she was going to know too much," Andy responds, still clenching the screwdriver. 

Knowing he had to be stopped, I walked around the table and into the kitchen. Finding the biggest knife possible, returning to Lena. By now, she had collapsed. Kneeling in front, I always saw Andy in case he tried to hurt us.

"It was you; you tried to kill us, didn't you?" Lena demanded as tears rolled down her face.

"Yes, you found my secret; if too many people know, they all have to die," he shouts.

Helping Lena back, I tried to carry her towards the front door. Before being blocked by Andy as he darted in front of us. His eyes were bright red, as if the devil was inside of him. Trying to think of how to save us, my thoughts are interrupted by Andy speaking again.

"Lena, I never wanted to hurt you, but you left me no choice," he replies in a demonic tone.

Chills raced down my spine as my hand began to shake, my other holding Lena up. Pulling out her phone without Andy seeing, she hurriedly texts Kiki to come, adding she should bring weapons. Finding slight comfort knowing Kiwi and Emma were coming, all we had to do was distract and delay him. Putting the phone back away, she wipes her tears, taking a few moments before speaking.

"He is my boyfriend. I love him, and you will never hurt him," she shouted as Andy inched closer.

Using this opportunity, I walk forward, attempting to swing the knife at his throat. Only lightly cutting it, he uses his strength to slam me against the wall. A large hole in the wall appeared as I slumped to the ground. Pain racing through my body, my efforts to stand up failing.

"You piece of shit!" Lena shouted, racing to the kitchen.

Searching, she finds another knife; charging toward her demonic father, she manages to stab his waist. All I could do was watch as she got flung onto the dinner table. Food and plates falling onto the tile floor. Trying to crawl towards Lena, I feel his hands grab my hair. Lifting me up slightly, I scream in pain as the front door slams to the ground. Dropping me, Andy turns around, surprised and confused.

"Who the hell is that?" he shouts as Kiki stands there with a pistol, Emma behind her.

"It's me, you disgusting pig," she replies, firing three bullets straight into his right shoulder.

Stumbling back, he drops the screwdriver to prevent blood from coming out. Running over, Emma helps Lena up as Kiwi runs to me. Escaping as fast as we can, Lena stops by the door.

"Love, let's go; he's right there!" I shout.

Glancing back, she didn't move, Andy's muffled grunts coming from the bathroom.

"You three need to go; he wants me; I love you for infinity, Barry," begs Lena as tears pour down her bruised cheeks.

Kiki nods as I reply, not understanding, "Lena, let's go, please! We can go!"

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