Chapter Three - Unfortunate News

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It finally hit 8 am as we woke up from a scary but cereal chat with Mary. We slowly grabbed the blanket, cameras, and equipment as the barrier remained standing. Betty carefully scanned outside while I slowly broke the barrier apart as nothing was standing on the other side.

"Mary, we are going now. Hug my love in the car so we know you're there", we shout, making our way down half-broken stairs and onto the stiff porch.

The soft breeze of the wind touches our skin as leaves fly all around us. After seeing that figure last night, we took time leaving, ensuring it was not watching. I thought about searching for the lone shed in the field but decided to go immediately. Throwing everything in the back seat, we hop in the car. Not wanting to forget our morning kiss, I gently leaned over, our lips interlocking.

"Baby, what was that for?" Betty speaks, sitting there, blushing.

"For being amazing and staying last night," I replied as my Honda hummed to life.

We briefly looked towards the same shed in the distance as the figure peaked its head, staring directly into our souls. Freaked out, I hit the gas and drove as fast as I could onto the main road.

"What the hell? It was behind that shed!" I worried as my voice cracked.

"It must have been someone, not a ghost," she replied as we both sat there, slightly creeped out.

While we both felt on edge from seeing the figure twice, a sudden wave of coldness, just like last night, filled the car as we smiled.

"Baby, I feel her giving me a hug," she said as we looked at each other, knowing Mary was with us.

"Mary, if you want to, we can put on some music during the drive," I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Knock, Knock." smiling and nodding as it changed to the local radio station, halfway through some queen song, leading to many minutes of me and Lena singing our hearts out, trying to harmonize.

We didn't know the exact address of the family; so after Betty searched it up, we found out that only a thirty-minute drive was needed. The thirty minutes felt longer as we were nervous about what was to come while talking about Mary's presence with us the whole time. Before going through with the choice, I called my best friend Kiki to help us tell the news.

"Omg, that sounds crazy! I'll be there in fifteen!" Kiki responded quickly as we pulled over on the side of the road.

Finally, reaching the long gravel driveway leading to the family house, both cars pulled up, leaving a trail of dust behind them. We stepped out of the car; as we briefly hugged each other, Morgan slowly walked outside onto the porch. She wore a lovely but outdated white dress with a fragile face worn from years of grieving.

"Why are you guys here? You're not welcome!" She shouted as we remained adamant, staring at each other.

"Miss Morgan, I have some news about Mary. Can we please come inside and tell you." I replied, hoping she would say yes.

"I haven't heard that sentence for years... since", she whispered as her voice grew quieter, ending the sentence.

"Yes, you can come in." Morgan finally said to everyone's relief.

Betty, Kiki, and I find their porch slightly run down as paint peels off the wall and beams; toys left still since the last time Mary had played with them. Their house still dated as if it was stuck on the same day eight years ago. We all found a place to sit down as Hank joined, making us some hot coffee.

"Thank you for your hospitality and for letting us inside," I spoke as everyone sat quietly.

"You said you had some news about Mary... is that true?" Morgan stuttered as Hank wrapped his arms around her.

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