Chapter One - In the Future

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"I saw the news; it's the Eighth anniversary of Mary's disappearance," I said as my girlfriend, Betty, sat on the couch with Toy Story Three playing in the background.

As we cuddled and tossed popcorn into one another's mouths, she said, "I know. That's so tragic."

Exploring abandoned places day and night was one activity we both enjoyed but detested. Through it, we became a loving couple with a bond that would get us through the most challenging times, whether with each other, our relationship, or life itself. And maintaining an extensive network of friends within the community and school; being one of Nodiveer's cutest couples, we regularly attended community events and fundraisers. And were gaining a following primarily on Instagram because of our relationship. Nodiveer was unique because the town and its citizens used Greek in their lives. My family used it the most by collecting vases, paintings, and other artifacts, displaying some on cabinets, shelves, or in each bedroom. Lena loved this, often learning the backstory with each piece when she was over. Learning how to write and say each other's names, Μπάρι and Λένα. As Bearside was a small town, it was situated in a more extensive county called Nodiveer. There were naturally stunning rivers, mountains, and geothermal geysers, with yellow maple trees lining almost every road. Everyone was wealthy, living in large houses and affording to send their kids to the local Bearside High School. Their most known attraction was a crazy scientist that would spend all night experimenting and often trying to convince people of specific ideas. Nobody had seen what she was doing, assuming she was crazy. Long grass covered every inch, and basement windows were cracked and covered in spider webs. Flickers of blue flashed through the window, illuminating the grass and distant trees.

Often overlooked by the townspeople, the folks spread rumours about what might happen. I was not too fond of this as we were ourselves and people found ways to turn it negative. Betty felt the same wanting to visit and see what was happening. For now, however, that was not the main focus as she had a more important question.

"Hey, Bear, can we go exploring tomorrow?" Betty implored, staring at me, "I heard there is a creepy house on the outskirts of the town."

"You want to?" I replied and raised one eyebrow, stopping the movie halfway through.

"Yeah, I think it could be cool," she answered with a smile, trying to persuade me.

As she hugged me tighter, I kissed her and replied, "Fine, let's pack everything just in case." We continued to watch the movie and fell asleep in each other's arms as the following day approached.

Hearing a sound, she wakes up as I shout from across the kitchen while cooking breakfast, "Make sure you grab cameras, lights, water, food, and an Ouija board, just in case!"

Grabbing everything off the table, she exclaims, "Way ahead of you, baby!"

We head out excited but nervous to see what we might find after eating some tasty eggs on toast. Early in the morning, we left to explore as much as possible. Singing Ed Sheeran as we checked if everything was packed for the journey during the car ride. After an hour, we arrived in front of a dilapidated double-story house surrounded by nature.

The black edges of the wooden house were encircled with vines, but none of its windows had glasses. It looked like a Victorian-style house with massive white pillars at the front. Across the silent and eerie place, the sky was cloudy but sunny.

"Are you ready, baby?" Betty asked me as we grabbed our equipment and backpacks.

I replied, "I'll be interested to see what we might find out." Then we stepped outside, locking the car. As we continue to walk, we stumble upon an overgrown garden, tree roots breaking through the brick. Thinking I saw a figure, I looked up to the second-story window. "Bear, there might be something on the second floor," I whispered. We walk for a few minutes before we come to the front of the house, slightly unnerved by the atmosphere. Many small holes are visible in the front of the house, and the roof is decayed, allowing birds to fly inside.

The floorboards creaked beneath them simultaneously as we said, "Let's go in."

We began and opened the door as the light shined through, revealing stairs off to their left and the lounge to their right.

"Alright, Barry, first and second floor?" Inquired Betty.

"First and second it is," I answered.

The ground was littered with broken furniture and wall plaster, so it wasn't unusual. As some items had been left behind, vines were poking through the decayed walls. Following a search of the room, we move to the kitchen, where we find some stray utensils. But our attention is quickly diverted by a muffled boom that surprises us.

"What was that?" I asked, my voice low.

While we took out the bats as a resort, she remarked, "It could've been an animal or something else."

As we moved forward, we found a rogue squirrel chewing on a nut in the doorway.

"Oh, my God! I was almost scared to death!" Betty cried out, laughing afterwards as we continued to explore. The sun sets as we move up to the second floor after a few hours. During this time, we find nothing paranormal and see nothing out of the ordinary. The moment we had been waiting for had arrived, sitting on the ground in the upper story room as it darkened outside. While surrounded by mystery, she checked her phone for the history of the place.

"This house belonged to a middle-aged man who passed away while on vacation."

As Betty searched on Google, she read, "How did this house get so badly damaged in only a couple of years?"

I remained curious as he replied, "Wow, that doesn't make much sense." When she placed the Ouija board on the carpet, the darkness descended. We turn on a thermal camera and another to ensure nothing is missed. Once we could only see each other, the real adventure had just begun.


That is the end of Chapter One! Do you like Barry and Lena's dynamic? Leave a comment with your thoughts about what you liked and disliked!

Onto the next chapter :)


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