"Do you think that if the air bags would have worked I'd still be pregnant?"

"I have no idea" I answer

"How did I not know I was pregnant?" she whispered to her self

"Laura you didn't have any way of knowing. Don't beat yourself up over something that was out of your hands" I smile "there will be more time for you and Cameron to plan having kids-"

Laura let out a laugh "I haven't seen Cameron since he found out."

"You serious?"

"Yup, and I know why?" she paused "he doesn't want to ever see me again for losing our baby"

"You don't know that"

"But I do" she turns to look at me "There is nobody who loves him more than I do, but now I understand clearly that I need to end this with my head held high-"

"Whoa Laura, you and Cameron love each other"

"Then why isn't he here?!"

"Maybe he just needs some space..."

"No, he should be here with me" I hear her begin to cry "I have nobody to talk to about this, I feel like I lost a part of me" she says grabbing her stomach

"Hey, I'm here" I tell her

"You don't understand" she says screaming "How would you feel if you lost Taylors baby?!"

"Devastated because I love him" I say truthfully

Without hesitating I grab Laura's nurse controller and call for someone to help. She was getting too out of control and I didn't know how to stop her crying.

My nurse Jesse comes in moment later and helps me onto my chair before another nurse comes in.

"Time to go to sleep" Laura says

As I'm rolled away I turn to see Laura being injected; poor girl. I had to find Cameron.

"We think she's going through some sort of depression after the miscarriage" Jesse tells me "Dr. Mayfield says she and the father's baby should talk to a specialist after she leaves to help them with some closure."

"Yeah that would be the best" I mutter

"I think you should take a nap before you leave, you look exhausted"

"I'm not" I yawn "It's just that so much is going on-"

I guess I was tired.


Taylor's POV

I was late; I'm the worst boyfriend ever. Hopefully these roses would make up for it.

"You're late." Carolina says when she sees me in the lobby.

"I know!" I yell as I head to the elevator

Finally at her floor I race to her room. There she sat on a chair already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"I'm here" I smile at her

"Thank god" she says standing up "I'm so ready to go"

"These are for you" I say handing her the flowers

Her smile grows bigger as she grabs them with one arm. Then I realize how dumb I am for getting her flowers when she only had one free arm.

"Here let me get those" I tell her

"No, I got them" she says cradling them in her arm.

"Ok, let's go"

"Is everyone downstairs?" she asks

"Yes, but I saw Zach and Valerie leave when I was getting here."

"What about Laura?"

"I have no idea babe"

We're silent till we meet everyone at the lobby. There was Laura with Carolina, Nick and Genesis; no sign of Cameron.

"We're going to take Laura back to Joe's place tonight; we don't want her to be alone" Carolina says walking up to us.

"So Valerie went to stay with Zach?" Estefania asked

"Yes, and you're going to stay with Taylor. The last thing she needs right now it to feel alone."

"You're right. No sign of Cameron?"

"No, not since I talked to him have I seen him again."

"Why isn't Cameron here?" I ask confused

The friends look at each other and Estefania only steps away from her saying "I'll tell you at your place."


Wow. That was the last thing I was expecting to hear.

"No wonder she looked so out of it" I say looking over at my girlfriend lying next to me. "I couldn't imagine being in Cameron's shoes right now".

"Me too" she says

It was silly of us to even be thinking about that; we wouldn't even be in that situation. As much as Estefania and I loved each other I haven't laid a hand on her like that. I'm not sure what everyone else thought of our relationship but it was perfect for me; perfect for my fast life. Sure I'd love to have sex with her but everything was just fine like it is right now.

"I wish I could help them"

"You can't right now" I tell her "time is all they need"

"You know I'd wrap my arms around you if I could right now" she giggles trying to move closer to me.

I laugh and sit up closer wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Not fair" she whined

"We'll there's not much you can do" I say tickling her

"TAYLOR DONT" she says trying to move away

"Just say you love me and I'll stop"


"Okay okay" I stop and get up from the bed

"Where are you going?"

"You're no fun." I whine

"Taylor I'm in a cast" she frowns "I love you"

"And I love you"

"Now what are you making me for dinner? I'm starving"

"I'm thinking some soup?"


"Come keep me company" I say walking back to the bed


Even though she could walk on her own I keep my arm around her waist the whole time till we reach the kitchen.

"I could get very use to this" she says I a finish serving up a bowl

"To what?" I ask

"You taking care of me like this"

"I'll always take care of you" I tell her "I haven't told you this but when I got the call about your car accident I freaked out thinking I could loose you"

"But it was nothing" she reminds me

"I know and your arm is going to heel but I just want you to know that I'll always to be here to take care of you"

"Forever?" She whispers

"Forever" I repeat

I step closer to her as she sits on the stool and hover my mouth over hers for a bit before kissing her soft addictive lips.


short chapter i know i know

but the cameron and laura's pov are coming up o0o0o0o0o and youll get to see whats going on in their heads right now! sorry you wanna hear from them already but im trying to put everyones pov out there that i havent written in a while

oh and i changed the cover to Timing and BIOM cuz i was bored. and ill change the one for this story soon too


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