Chapter 1. The War

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They say that people and dragons were not always enemies. There was once a time when people in the Cove Village would see dragons fly high in the sky and looking down at them. It was thought that dragons were peaceful creatures, until one night it all suddenly changed. It was late in the evening. The sun had lowered down into the hills and the people of Cove were living their lives to the fullest. That's when the dragons returned unexpectedly. All the people were confused about what was happening. They had never appeared during the night before. Something had to be wrong. Suddenly, a whole herd of them swooped down towards the Village and started destroying everything in their paths. They breathed fire onto people's homes and businesses. As everyone ran for their lives, the late King of Cove Castle, Roden II ordered his army of brave knights to go out and slay as many dragons as they could. The battle was intense. Swords were drawn, shields were out, and fire was blazing all across the kingdom. Unfortunately, the first battle between men and dragons was too unexpected for everyone to survive. The Knights had little to no success on defeating them. Hundreds of lives were lost, including every last knight that were sent out by Roden II to fight. No one knew why the dragons suddenly turned on the village people, but they all knew one thing. It was the beginning of a terrible war that would last for many years to come. Not long after the first attack, the nest of the dragons was located by other knights. It would be later known as 'Black Rock Mountain.' After Roden II had all the details that he needed from his men, he decided to declare war against the dragons. Over time, hundreds if not thousands of knights were trained by the King to fight against the dragons of Black Rock Mountain. Sadly, all the knights who were sent out to the mountain, would never make it back home alive. Later on, King Roden II would pass away from old age, and his son Roden III would take his place in Cove Castle. He'd also made a promise to his dying father to keep the war against the dragons going to protect his people. Therefore, Roden III continued his father's legacy by doing exactly what he would do to protect the people of Cove Village.

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