Special chapter

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Since I haven't been able to post much i decided to gift you guys with a fun little adventure from Draco. It will still be connected to the main story, so Draco is a ferret still. I hope you enjoy!

Draco let out a huff as harry left the room to do who knows what. He couldn't help but miss being able to attend classes, only because he was utterly bored just laying around or snooping through trunks. That's when a idea popped into the annoyingly sassy ferrets head. He would just sneak around the school!(hopefully scare a few students) and attends some of the classes (in secret of course). With the plan in mind he jumped off Harry's bed and scurried to the door. Challenge one i suppose, find out how to open the door. Okay maybe he didn't think this all the way through, but oh well, he will figure it out as he goes.

He stood up on his hind legs and jumped up latching onto the doorknob. With a happy yip he hopped on top of it making sure his weight pushed the doorknob down. The door opened as Draco rushed through the crack as the door shut behind him. He scurried through the common room and followed a group of Slytherins as they opened the common room door. He rushed out and went down the opposite hallway. As he reached the stairs that led up to the rest of the castle he let out a groan (which wasn't actually sounding like a groan since he's a ferret). He took a deep breath and started slowly climbing the stairs.


Draco panted on the floor as he layer next to the top of the stairs. He got up and wiggled his body before running (more like bouncing) down the familiar walls that he learned to love. The first classroom he stopped at was Dumbledores. With an evil smirk he silently crawled under the professors desk and opened one of his drawers. The old coot was too distracted with his demonstration he didn't notice how all of the things in his desk was being thrown to the floor. Draco let out a snicker as he tipped over the ink onto his desk before racing out of the room before the old man noticed him. He had smiled proudly as he saw a few of the students snickering as he left.

He went around the other classrooms causing some trouble, being the little ball of mischief. Sadly what he forgot is that when lunch time came, the halls would be packed with bustling students. Panic filled his mind as he started dodging the many feet. He let out a few panicked yips before he was scooped up into someone's arms. He let out a small sigh of relief before looking up at his savior. 

He met the familiar face of Tom who just shook his head with a small smile. Draco gave a cheeky smile back even if Tom couldn't see it. Tom took him to the main hall and sat beside harry, he looked over and huffed and the face harry had. He obviously knew what he had planned the day, is face spoke for him 'did you have fun Draco?' Harry patted his head and handed him some meat rolls.

Oh well, this is fine. At least he got to be a trouble maker for a few hours. Now he was tired and wanted to sleep.

Queen of SerpentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora