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Tom's eyes slowly blinked open; he didn't know where he was. Slowly, sitting up with a groan, he looked around. He jolted a bit when he realized he was in the hospital wing. Looking to his side, he almost shrieked as a bright orange bird waited beside him patiently with a letter in its beak. Cautiously, he took the letter as the bird hopped over to his feet and plopped down, getting comfortable. As soon as he saw who the letter was from, he practically tore the envelope open.  Unfolding the letter, he read through it before letting out a sigh of relief.

Dear Tom,
Hey Tom, I am pretty sure you heard what is happening already. I am sending this to you so you know I'm ok, there is nothing to worry about, so don't stress. We'll at least try not to stress about it. I hope Hogwarts is going well for you! Stay strong for me, got that, Tom!

-love Hadrian

Ps. Give this beauty a name, will you? I didn't have time to name her as I was rushing to send you a letter. She is ours now, so I want to let you name her since I chose her!

Tom looked at the bird, and Hadrian was right. She was beautiful.
Thinking for a few seconds, Tom thought of the perfect name. Phoebe(pronounced FEE-BEE) it ment bright and radiant. Just like her. Smiling slightly, Tom leaned over and pet her feathers delicately.

"How about it, phoebe?"

Phoebe let out a small chirp as she nod her head. As Tom slumped back into the bed, phoebe rested her head for a small nap.

Just then, a skinny woman walked in with a smile. "I see you are well recovered now, my dear, but you still need to take a few Potions before you go back," she said. Tom nodded as he recognized her as the healer here at Hogwarts.

After Tom had downed the Potions given to him, he was sent off back to the Slytherin common room. On his shoulder, phoebe rested as she looked around with curiosity.

Walking into the Slytherin common room, he got looks from everyone still awake but ignored them and went to his shared room. Flipping onto his bed after phoebe perched on the top of his bed.

Slowly, his eyes closed as he felt tired from the potions. He was just glad Harry was safe.


Meanwhile, Harry was already asleep, his soft features making him look pure and innocent. But, of course, in his mind, gruesome thoughts lay. He smiled in his sleep. His rain of terror had yet to come.

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