She smiled at me. "Thank you."

I kissed her gently. "You're welcome angel moya." I whispered to her. (my)

"Damn, I don't think that I have ever seen anyone or anything, move that fast." Mason exclaimed after we had all resumed our seats.

I shrugged. "Well, that is what happens when someone tries to hurt Roza moya in any way. I won't put up with that der'mo anymore." (my, shit)

"Apparently so." Mason, Eddie, and Christian all agreed.

"Thank you for that by the way." All three of the boys and Lissa all said and I just nodded at them. I mean what could I say to that really? I will always take care of and up for angel moya and I don't need anyone's thanks for that. But I did appreciate the sentiment just the same, and I know that Roza moya does too. (my, my)

Lissa laughed. "It was very romantic actually."

"Yes, it was." Roza moya agreed and I blushed. (my)

"You deserve so much more detka." (baby)

"Thank you."

"You're welcome lyubov' moya. So, as I was saying before, all the chaos. Could you please explain how you felt what passed between Roza moya and I on that first night Lissa?" (my love, my)

"Of course. How much do you actually know about Rose and me?"

"We talked for hours yesterday and last night until lyubov' moya fell asleep mid-word." (my love)

She turned to look at Roza moya. (my)

"We didn't get that far." Roza answered Lissa's inquiring look.

Lissa nodded before turning back to me. "Ok, due to changes in our bond over the two years that we were away from the academy, I can sense and or feel some of Rose's emotions. Not to the extent that she can mine obviously, but sometimes I can feel a little. For instance, yesterday I felt a tremendous amount of anger, rage, hurt, pain, hatred, heartache, and heartbreak. Which was then followed by an astronomically massive amount of love, joy, happiness, and elation. I mean she was completely euphoric for some reason or another. I tried to go to her room and check on her, but every single way into and onto her dorm level was being guarded for some reason. They told me that she was all right and that she was in a very important, possibly life-changing meeting, which scared the crap out of me. But no matter what I tried I just couldn't get in to see her for myself. And I didn't want to compel a guardian, it just isn't right in my opinion. I also tried to talk to her through our bond, but she was in so much pain and heartache that I don't think that I even got through. I think that her pain was actually blocking the bond. I finally gave up and tried to text her, but I still haven't gotten an answer. So, I had to trust that what Guardians Emil and Yuri told me about her being ok was actually true."

Roza moya gasped, "I am so sorry Liss, my battery died, and I forgot to charge it." (my)

Lissa waved her words away. "It's fine, just as long as you are ok."

Angel moya smiled at her best friend and little sestra. "I am ecstatic, I have never been happier in my whole entire life than I am right now actually." (my, sister)

I couldn't help it, I turned to lyubov' moya and smiled happily. Just knowing that I made her that happy did the very same thing to me. (my love)

"Rose, why were you sooo upset yesterday?" Lissa asked, her face filled with concern for her friend and sestra. (sister)

"Janine came to my room."

"Ohhh." The rest of us replied, well, all of us except for Christian that is.

"What does your mother coming to your room have anything to do with you being angry?" He didn't mean anything by it, he was simply curious.

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