But as he was passing by the granary, he heard a frustrated growling coming from inside it.

Curious Franciscan walked up to the granary's door and opened it a little. Then he looked through the gap and saw how giant was trying to pluck arrows out of his body, but unfortunately they were breaking in his fingers and front parts of them were still embedded in his skin.

Seeing this pathetic scene, Azelio recalled the parable of Good Samaritan in which Samaritan helped Jew even though they despised each other. He knew helping out this collosal being is something Lord would praise.

Franciscan went back to house and headed to the room where old and tight habits were stored. He ripped them and then stitched them in a way they could be used as bandages for the giant. He folded cloths and having took them, went to another room, where monks had various herbal remedies. He took the ones he needed and was heading out, ready to help giant.

But as he was going through the kitchen, new idea appeared in his mind. Giant was probably hungry, it would be nice to give him a meal.

Azelio left things he was carrying on the table and having took out the biggest cauldron he could find, he threw ingredients for a stew in there and mixed it up with wooden spoon.

"Before it's ready, I manage to patch him up" monk thought and left kitchen, going straight to the granary.


Azelio gulped at the sight of the giant laying in front of him. But he couldn't back out now, Lord would be so disappointed in him.

He took few steps forward, but abruptly stopped, seeing giant's lips curling up in a snarl.

- Hey big guy... I'm here to help you, I promise - he said. Giant didn't seem to understand, he was growling while monk was speaking.

Azelio shown bandages on his arm and then motioned to giant.

- See? It helps wounds to heal, I'll do the same to you - he said.

This time giant tilted his head in confusion, but stopped growling. Franciscan began to pull out arrows sticking in giant's body, then he rinsed wounds with herbal remedies and finally bandaged them up with old habits.

- Wait here, it's not the end - having said that, Azelio went for the stew, which was surely ready now.


Giant drooled at the sight of the large cauldron being pushed to him. He tried to break muzzle he had on his mouth, but it was too strong. Furious giant caught one belt with his tounge and having moved it to his mouth, tried to bite through it. All for nothing.

- I can help you if you want - monk offered, gesturing at the muzzle, so that giant could understand. Giant looked at him suspiciously, but eventually lifted Azelio up and brought him to the back of his head, where muzzle was fastened. Franciscan unfastened it effortlessly and then was put down on the ground.

Giant quickly snatched the cauldron and having put its content into his mouth, swallowed it at once, sighing with content. He then put it down.

Monk was about to take cauldron and leave the granary, when suddenly giant's hand wrapped around him and lifted him up extremely close to giant's eyes.

Azelio was petrified at first, but thanks to moonlight noticed that giant's pupils were cloudy, meaning that giant was seeing things a little blurry. Giant didn't intend to eat him, he just wanted to get better look at his face, to see details of his features.

Giant then gently nuzzled Azelio's tummy, causing Franciscan to laugh a little from being tickled. Colossus then whispered:

- Dziękuję.

Monk didn't know what that meant, but it sounded like a appreciation for his work.

Giant then motioned to himself with his free hand.

- Jestem Mieszko - he said and then gestured to Franciscan - A ty? - he asked.

Azelio having presumed that giant asked him for his name, answered:

- Azelio. I'm Azelio.

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