Chapter 25

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I'm laying outside surrounded by tall grass, I don't really know where I am. But I took a horse and rode in the opposite direction of the hill I've spent time with Lucifer at. And then to my luck the horse decided to leave me here alone. Maybe I should've paid more attention, but I ended up falling asleep. Right here in the middle of nowhere. I feel empty, the only thing I really feel is the hurting of my heart.

Blue smoke appears, and when I turn my head to the side my eyes are met with the sight of Hades laying on his back beside me, his head turn to the side to look at me. And then our eyes meet.

''You've been crying'' He states, his face pulling into a frown.


''I still think you look beautiful, even with puffy eyes, and-.. Wait, did you just say my name?'' His frown is replaced with a smile. ''I didn't expect you to see all my memories by now, so how?''

He's clever, I'll give him that. ''Lucifer gave them back to me..'' I say quietly, turning my head to look up at the sky again.

''Well that's a shame.. I kinda wanted you to see them'' I feel his hand brush up against mine, and I don't know if I should move mine away.


He hooks his little finger around mine. ''I already told you that, didn't I?'' I turn my head to face him again, only to see him staring up at the sky now. He had told me that he wished that I could see myself through his eyes. But what he meant by that I don't know, and I don't know if I want to know.

''Hades, what's going on?'' I ask him, having the tiniest bit of hope inside of me that he will answer me, and not avoid it all.

''I went a little crazy, nothing out of the ordinary. Now tell me what's going on with you, why have you been crying?'' He asks me, turning his head to look at me again. I can't say I'm pleased by him asking me a question, but at least he kinda answered mine first. Not that it was the best answer, but it was something.

So now my question to myself is, will I tell him? Why I'm here alone, looking like I've cried to the point where all the water has left my body? But he's my friend, isn't he? So I should be able to tell him stuff like this, but somehow I don't think he wants to hear it. ''I'm in love with Lucifer'' I blurt out. ''I told him I loved him, and then it didn't end well'' Hades stares at me for a moment, before he turns his head to look at the sky again.

''So now your heart is hurting..'' He comments.


He sits up beside me. ''Come here'' I sit up beside him, but he pulls me to sit between his legs, with my back pressed up against his chest. My cheeks heat up, and I tense up as I feel my heartbeat quicken up a bit. He places his arms around me, his hands find mine and then he laces his fingers through mine.


''If you say the word friends, I will get angry, leave, and I won't ever come back'' He quickly cuts me off. ''Now let me have my moment'' He leans close and whispers into my ear, making goosebumps appear on my skin. ''Close your eyes, and empty your pretty little head'' I turn my body a little, looking at him with a skeptical look on my face. ''Don't give me that look, just do as I say'' Hades rolls his eyes at me.

So I end up doing what he says. I close my eyes, and then a deep sigh leaves my lips. And before I know I'm doing it, I'm relaxing my body, letting myself lean against Hades. My head rests against his shoulder, and then I feel him place his lips against my temple. I open my eyes slowly, finding myself staring into his eyes that seem to be a lighter shade of blue today.

''How can you be here right now?'' I ask him, while I try to create a bit more space between us.

He lets out a sigh. ''Why can't you just let me have this moment'' I frown a bit at him. ''Fine, just don't give me that look.. I did some bad things, and that's all I will tell you. Now can you please just act like you're happy to be here with me'' He looks away from me, staring straight ahead with a clenched jaw.

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