Chapter 23

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Lucifer's arms are wrapped around me from behind, and I feel his lips linger on the skin of my exposed shoulder. ''What are you doing out here?'' He asks me, sending a shiver down my spine as his lips move against my skin.

''I don't..'' Why am I standing out here? It's cold, and I should be inside in the warmth. But instead I'm standing out here with the cold air of the night wrapped around me, like it's comforting me. ''Know'' I turn around to face him. ''Have you ever felt like there was something missing? Something important that you just had to remember, but somehow you forgot all about it?'' I ask.

''No, I remember every single detail of everything that has happened in my life'' He answers me, but he looks up at the night sky, clearly avoiding my eyes. ''I'm glad that I do, because I don't know what I would do if I couldn't remember you..'' His eyes find mine, and my lips pull into a small smile. ''The way that you smile, and the way that you always stare at me, thinking that I won't notice it.. Every memory with you is my favorite''

He leans down and kisses me softly, pulling away too quickly. ''Do you really have to go?'' I sigh, feeling the need to lay close in his embrace after his little speech.

''I promise to come back as soon as I can.. You won't even notice that I'm gone'' But I do, I do notice every time he's gone. And it's most likely due to the fact that I'm alone here, with no one else around. And even if I had someone to keep me company, I would still feel like there was something missing.

''Alright.. But you better leave before I change my mind'' I try to sound like I'm joking, when in reality I want him to stay so badly. Especially now that it feels like there's something wrong, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

He wraps a blanket around me, kisses me once more and then he's gone. And then I'm left here alone.

After some time I sit down, and put my legs through the holes of the railing on the balcony. I let out a deep sigh, and pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders. ''So this is where he's been hiding you. I must say, he's a clever one, but then again he always was''

My head shoots up at the direction the voice comes from. I pull my legs back, and quickly stand up. ''Who are you'' I ask, slowly backing away from the shadows.

And then stepping out from the shadows is a man, a man who feels.. Familiar to me.. But I just know that I've never seen him before in my life. ''Has it really been so long that you've already forgotten all about me, little one?'' The moonlight hits him, making his eyes stand out with the silver like color they are. ''You hurt my feelings'' He smirks, and places a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt.

I frown at him. Who is he, and why does he talk like we know one another? And why am I not screaming for Lucifer to come? Why don't I feel scared? Shouldn't I be scared that some random man is standing here, on the balcony in the middle of the night?

I feel a hand touch my cheek, and I instantly lean into his touch, surprising myself as I do. ''I see.. Your pretty little head might have forgotten all about me, but your body hasn't forgotten my touch huh.. Interesting..'' His voice is like a sweet melody, a melody that could play all day without you growing tired of it.

Realization hits me, I'm still standing here, letting him caress my cheek. So I quickly slap his hand away, earning a laugh from him. ''Why are you here?'' I ask him, looking him straight in the eyes.

''You look even more beautiful than the first time I saw you..''

''But you just met me''

''You've done something to me, little one.. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've done some stuff which I knew you wouldn't like, just to find you again. I was even ready to tell you what, and have you yell at me. Be mad at me for weeks, but at least I would have you again''

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