Chapter 6

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I wake up screaming my lungs out, trying to get up from where I'm laying. Only to feel the weight of someone pushing me back with their hands, making my back hit against a soft surface. My throat feels like it's on fire, like I've been screaming for longer than I can remember. And then there's the feeling like there's someone tugging on me from the inside. It feels like my entire body is slowly being ripped apart.

''Addy, stay still please!'' I can hear the desperation in his voice, but I just can't. I can't stay still, I only want to push him far away from me, so I can move away from this pain. I feel what I assume is his hands, so I grip onto them and try with the little strength I have to push them away. But pushing against him only hurts me more. ''Adelaide!'' His voice gets a bit louder than the last time, but I still try to give it one last push, before I feel myself getting overwhelmed by the pain. ''Adelaide, open your eyes for me''

I feel a sudden rush flow through my body, reminding me of the pulsating wave I've felt before. But this isn't anything like that, this feels more like a rush of adrenaline. But it finally gets me to open my eyes up. I try looking around the room, trying to get my eyes to focus on anything through the pain. But I can't, and I feel my eyes tightly close again due to the pain being too much to handle. It's like I'm in flames, all while someone is ripping, and cutting through my flesh.

My hands are no longer trying to push him away from me, instead I feel my arms falling limp at my sides. I feel a pair of arms picking me up, and then I feel my body fall against him. It's like the energy is being sucked out of my body. ''Alright.. Let's try again''

Something goes through my body again, but it doesn't feel like the rush of adrenaline like before. No this time it hurts, making my entire body jerk up as I let out a loud scream before getting pressed into his chest.  ''Hey..  Relax, nothing will happen to you.. I'm here, shh.. I'm here Addy'' I tiredly look up at Hades, who's holding my body tightly in his arms. If he weren't holding me, then i'm almost sure i would slip away from this world

I feel him take a couple of steps down, and then I feel water around us. Ice cold water, against my skin. It almost feels calming against my ever burning body. ''What did you do to him?'' I ask, my voice so quiet that I almost can't even hear myself. Hades looks down at me questionably. He probably thinks I'm rambling, and that I've lost my mind. ''Sebastian..'' I whisper.

I feel my eyelids growing heavy, so I let myself close my eyes. And then I feel like my mind is being ripped away from my body once more.

A loud scream comes from me.. No, I'm inside Sebastian's body, or mind again. He's screaming out in pain, and I feel it. I feel every single thing he's feeling. ''What have you done to me!'' He screams at Hades, who's just standing there looking down at him.

''You asked for my help'' He simply says, and then he looks at Sebastian, studying his reactions towards whatever he just did to him.

Sebastian's body goes limp, and I'm almost afraid that he's dead. If it weren't for the fact that I can feel his faint heartbeat. But it feels like his heart isn't human anymore, it's as if there's something surrounding it. Making it beat in an irregular rhythm. It makes me feel uneasy and scared, if this is happening to him now.. Does that mean it will happen to my body too? Just like the other times.

He suddenly moves up, gasping desperately for air like he's been drowning for the past couple of minutes. He looks down at his stomach, and the place where the sword had cut into him isn't there anymore. He's all healed up, only dried blood is on his skin. And then there's a strange power flowing through him.

''What did you do to me?'' Sebastian asks Hades, standing up on his own two feet. Looking down at them, while placing his hands on where the wound on his stomach should be. It's almost like he doesn't even believe he's alive right now.

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