Chapter 22

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''I know you're watching me'' Lucifer speaks up, as he puts the book he was reading down.

A sigh leaves my lips. How does he always know where I am? I wasn't even going to ask him my questions, I was still debating on whether to do it or not. And I was leaning more towards the not part, seeing as I didn't want to ruin the lovely days we just had together.

I step out from my not so secret hiding spot, and take a couple of steps towards him. ''I thought you were asleep..'' He looks up at me, eyeing me carefully.

I need to come up with an excuse, and not tell him that I've been thinking about what's going on with Hades ever since Sebastian came here. That's what I planned to ask him about, before realizing what a bad idea that would be. ''I uh.. When are you coming to bed?'' Yes that should do it, I mean that wouldn't be a weird reason to come down here right? Especially after he's been gone for almost the whole day, doing who knows what.

His gaze on me softens. ''Come here'' I do as he says, and once I reach him he pulls me down onto his lap. He looks concerned, like there's something bothering him.

''Is something wrong?'' I ask him, feeling a bit worried now.

''It's nothing you should worry about, okay?'' He twirls a lock of my hair around his finger.

I frown a bit. I don't like seeing him like this, but I'm also curious about what has gotten him into this mood. ''Is there anything I can do?''

His gaze on me hardens a bit, before he grabs my chin with a bit more force than his usual touch. ''No'' And just as that word leaves his mouth, he closes the gap between us. Kissing me hard, making me gasp at the sudden contact. I feel his tongue against my own, and then I feel his hands gripping my body roughly.

He suddenly picks me up, and I hear something crash onto the ground making me widen my eyes. But Lucifer keeps kissing me, and then my back hits a wooden surface. I push him off me, and sit up, feeling a pain shooting through my back. ''What's wrong with you!'' I yell at him, and jump off the table.

Lucifer runs his fingers through his hair, and backs away from me, creating a bigger space between the two of us. ''I.. I'm sorry, I..'' His back hits the wall behind him, and he slowly slides down, until he sits on the floor.

I cross my arms over my chest, then I slowly make my way towards him. Kneeling down in front of him. ''Please tell me what's going on'' I place my hands on his knees.

''It's just so loud'' He grips his hair tighter, and for a moment I don't get what he means. But then it suddenly makes sense. He's talking about the voice in his head. I grab onto both of his hands, bringing them to my lips.

''It's just you and I, no one else. Just the two of us, no one else is here'' I say softly. He looks up at me with teary eyes, almost breaking a little piece of my heart by the look he's giving me. His eyes keep changing back and forth from his usual dark, to a vibrant red color. What could have happened to make him this upset? He had been gone for almost the entire day, so what happened? Something tells me that it has something to do with Hades, and that makes me more curious.

I place one of his hands against my chest, right where my heart is beating. And then I place my own palm against his chest. He looks down at his hand on my chest, closes his eyes and tries to calm his breathing. ''You don't have to keep everything to yourself, not anymore okay? I will always be here''

He lets himself fall forward, straight into my arms. He rests his head against my shoulder, and I just hold him close. ''Am I weak for falling for his little mind games?'' He mumbles so quietly that I almost don't hear him.

''You're anything but weak.. Now please, tell me what's going on with Hades. I know that's where you've been running off to, but please just tell me. I.. I'm worried, Lucifer'' I take this as my chance to finally ask him about Hades, now that he kind of opened up for this conversation himself.

I feel him stiffen up in my arms, and then he pushes himself off me. Leaning his back against the wall, looking at me with those red eyes again. ''Worried about me? Or him?'' His voice is as cold as ever, and his face lacks any sort of emotion. Not even a little hint that he could still be upset. But I've come to know him better than that. I know that he's still upset, but now he's slowly getting angry too.

''Of course I'm worried about you Lucifer! But I can't help but wonder what's happening to Hades too. Because obviously there's something wrong, when you're acting this way and when Sebastian comes here to warn me!'' My voice gets louder as I speak.

''Do you have feelings for him Adelaide'' It doesn't even sound like a question coming from him. But hearing him asking me this, makes my heart stop for a second, and I feel my lips part slowly.

I stare at him for a moment or two, to see if there's any hint that this is some trick question he just came up with. But I can't read him. ''He's my friend, am I not allowed to be worried that something might be wrong, when everyone around me is acting suspicious''

It feels like his eyes are searching mine, to see whether I'm telling the truth or not. And then I feel like he's slowly invading my mind. ''You don't even know it yourself..'' He mumbles.

''Know what?'' I ask him, my face pulling into a frown.

''It's there, in the back of your mind. You probably don't have access to that part, no one does except for me..''

His eyes keep staring into my own, and for each second that passes I feel him slipping further into my mind. ''Lucifer!'' He snaps out of whatever trance he was in, as I call out his name.

He blinks a couple of times, before looking at me with a sad look on his face and a hint of jealousy in his eyes. ''You have feelings for him..'' He speaks like he's just been defeated.

''Have you gone absolutely mad? Hades is my friend, nothing more than that. He showed me kindness wh-''

''I..'' He looks away from me, but I quickly place my hand against his cheek, turning his face back to face me. And then I kiss him. He kisses me back quickly, moving his hands up to cup my cheeks. ''Forget him..'' He whispers against my lips. ''Forget all about him..''

And then I feel him slip inside my mind again, pulling something away from me. Leaving me with memories of someone who's face I cannot see, like those memories were just some dream I dreamt once.

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