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Great, My dad canceled on me, and MIcheals friend is out of town as well. Guess, He's coming to work.

As I finish up, I take My work stuff and Micheals stuff to the car and we both exit the house. As we were leaving, I saw a Yellow folder labeled to my name sitting on the side of the door and I needed to go so I just picked it up and headed to the car.

After a while, we finally went to school. I know I'm stuck in meetings all day today and I have to prepare for a new Teachers orientation next monday.. Great, something great to look forward to..

As I get inside and head for my office, I see Erica standing next to somebody smiling while shaking their hand. I go forward since that is the way of my office.

"Ricky! Good morning. Oh hey Micheal, how's it going."

"It's good."

"Ricky. I'd like you to meet Ms.Rodrigo. She's the new10th grade Assistant principal."

What? Already?!

"Oh. HI. SO glad to meet you. I'm Mr.Bowen, 11th grade dean.

"Oh hi, I think I saw your name on the staff list. So glad to meet you."

Great, Don't tell me I have to work with Ej already. It's only thursday.

"Well, Can't wait to work with you all, and I Hope it's amazing."

"Same to you. Come on Micheal, Let's go." I took Micheals hand and we headed to my office. Lucky enough, EJ hasn't moved back in yet, bad news, I know I'll have to sit next to him during our meeting today.

"Ok. Micheal, Just stay in here, Play on the computer and I'll be back soon enough. I have to head somewhere with the adults."

"Oh, all here alone?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, There's nowhere for you to go and the place I'm heading to will be too boring for you. "

"Ok daddy. Just don't forget about me."

"Don't worry. I could never forget you."

No one's POV

Micheal was playing on the computer as he was distracting himself while having some cookies his Dad had packed him. As he was playing, A taller man came into the room and dropped his stuff off on the floor near an area. Micheal didn't know what to do. He just ignored him and continued his game.

"Oh Hi. I didn't think anyone would be here. What's your name?"

"M Michael.."

"Cool name. I'm Ej."

"Is that a real name.?"

"Yeah of course. Well, Technically not. My initials because I don't like my Full name."

"That's cool. What can my initials be? I want a cooler name."

"what. Micheal is an amazing name. "

"Not really."

"Ok, well maybe I can see. What's your full name? I can give an Initial."

"It's Micheal Jean John Bowen."

"Oh, You're Ricky's son. Yeah, I should have seen the comparison. Curly hair, brown eyes, and still has that sas attitude a bit."

"You know my daddy?"

"Yeah. Your dad and I work together and we also went to school together. "

"That's cool. How come daddy never talks or brings you around."

We fly together • Rj/Caswen Oneshots •Where stories live. Discover now