Taking in the situation, Karai quietly gasped when she saw the state of Dantzer, who hung from the middle of the room with chains wrapped around his body. Members of the Crux Clan surrounded him as they prodded him with electricity. Karai winced when one of the prods left a severe burn mark on the assassin's throat, Dantzer hadn’t even acknowledged their presence like he normally would. He looked defeated, something was off. Karai looked across the room where her eyes connected with piercing yellow eyes of Alopex, the assassin only had eyes of concern for her partner who was in a state of despair. 

Once they had scouted the whole warehouse, the group was ready to strike when the doors to the warehouse were blown up by none other than the Kraang. Mikey jumped when the window beside him exploded. 

“Krang! Grab the one known as Dantzer!” A Kraang droid said to another as they directed their fire towards the Crux Clan. The Hamatos realised they could use this to their advantage, with some smoke bombs they accurately extracted Dantzer from the warehouse without the Crux Clan or Kraang even realising the assassin was gone. Alopex remained at the back of the group covering the rear in case there were any unexpected surprises. 

“How much further, this guy's heavy!” Karai cried out as the group sprinted across the rooftops, they had been running for about twenty minutes. Leo looked back at Karai and Donatello who were carrying the assassin, the group came to a halt as they arrived on top of the mutanimals old warehouse. “This should do, place him down here guys” Leo said gesturing towards the vent. Karai was ever so gentle in placing the unconscious assassin against the vent, Alopex glared at her when Dantzer’s head connected with the metal. Karai only hissed in her direction. “Guys! Break it up!” Mikey shouted getting in between them. The two just turned their backs on one another. 

Alopex kneeled down beside her unconscious partner as Donnie assessed him,  the assassin not moving a bit. “Anything Don?” Leo asked, coming to stand beside his brother who glared at him, “Not yet, give me a few minutes and…”. Donatello was cut off by an explosion to the side, the group whipped around to see the kraang or more specifically the flying kraang shooting at them. “Guys! The Crux Clan can fly!” Mikey cried out alerting everyone to the wolves of the clan heading in their direction with what looked like jetpacks. “Mikey! Donnie!” Leo cried out in warning, the two snapped into action to defend the downed assassin who was being overwatched by Alopex. 

“Leo! What do we do?!” Karai shouted over the clashing of the swords, she was using her own blade as she fought against the large wolves who showed no remorse. Leo gasped as he brought his katana’s up to meet his opponents, the group were surrounded and he was out of ideas. Looking across the roof he noticed Mikey and Donnie were being surrounded, “Mikey! Smoke bomb” Leo called out, Mikey turned to look at his brother with fear. He had run out. Alopex found herself against six opponents who kept trying to grab her partner, “Come on Dantz, I could really use you right now!” she cried out as a blade sliced her side. She let out a feral growl which came from her adrenaline. The group had been battling for forty minutes, “Donnie! Mikey! Get out of here! Call for Rein….” Leonardo couldn’t finish as he was knocked flat on his back, his brothers turned to see their older brother in a situation with a sword about to come down on him. “LEO!” Karai cried out as she tried to make her way to the eldest brother. 

Squeezing his eyes shut Leo waited for his demise only to gasp when something came in contact with the sword that should have killed him, a cry of pain filtered through the roof. As the one who tried to take out Leonardo soon found themselves killed by famous steel claws. A hand came down pulling him to his own feet, looking up and his blue mask came in contact with the notorious Kuro Kabato belonging to none other than the Shredder. 

The appearance of the Shredder made the Crux Clan retreat and any remaining Kraang soldiers disappeared altogether, confusing the group. “What are you doing here, Shredder!?”. Oroku Saki turned to look at Leonardo’s demand, he shook his head walking past the huddled Hamato Clan and over to his brother. The small group watched as Oroku Saki knelt beside Dantzer and Alopex who looked at the Shredder with a warning in her facial expression. The Hamato Clan didn’t know what to expect of their old enemy but they certainly didn’t expect him to pick up Dantzer bridal style and turn to face them. 

“Take me to your place of refuge. There is much to discuss. In my word I will not harm any of you” Oroku Saki said to the confused group. 

“How do I know you won’t go back on your word?” Leo asked, holding his katana’s close. Donnie and Mikey were behind their older brother with wary looks aimed towards their once enemy. 

“Leo as much as I hate to admit it. Oroku Saki doesn’t go back on his word” Karai admitted looking at her adoptive father who nodded at her. “I have information on your father and if you do not take my word, take my brothers”.

“Who’s your brother?” Donatello asked suddenly, confident enough to speak but he spoke from behind his shield of a brother who remained on edge. The least the group expected was for Oroku Saki to gesture to the unconscious assassin in his arms. “Figures” Karai mumbled earning herself a warning look from Oroku Saki mainly out of habit while Mikey only smiled. Leonardo turned to look at his brothers and Karai who had a small whispered conversation and soon enough they had come to a decision. 

Turning to face Oroku Saki, the small group smiled as Leo spoke, “You can come with us as long as the information you are withholding is the truth and so help me if you harm any of my family, I will hunt you down and kill you without remorse” “It will not come to that” Saki’s reply caught the blue leader of guard. “How do you know?” Karai asked only to see the familiar smile appear on Saki’s face. “I just know”.

Thankfully no one felt like talking as Mikey shouted, “Try to keep up!”. The group were on the move again but on their way back home unaware of the piercing eyes of a familiar face turned enemy following them from a great distance.

Ta Da! Shorter Chapter but stay tuned for some more on the way! \_(0^0)_/
Thank you for the reads, votes and any comments! : )

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