I'm Going to Marry Him

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." The boy says quietly. I notice that his face is turning slightly red.

I stare at him. He's shy, talented, and nice. He also has really pretty eyes.

"I'm going to marry you someday." I decide, still staring at him.

"Really?" He asks, his eyes widening as he looks back at me.

I nod firmly, having made up my mind.

"You don't have to marry me back. At least, I don't think you do. I'm not really sure how it works." I admit.

"I'll marry you back." Jax says after a moment of thinking. Then he smiles at me. He has a really nice smile.

"Yay!" I exclaim, smiling back. I get out of my chair and hug him. He hugs me back.

"I've heard that when people are married, they get cake and presents, like a birthday. Are we going to get cake and presents?" Jax asks me after we pull apart from our hug.

"Yes! And games too! And dancing!" I agree, holding his hands.

Jax looks really excited and happy.

"I can't wait!" He says, his smile growing even bigger.

"What are you two talking about?" Kayla asks, walking over with Ollie and Maxine.

"We're going to get married." I tell them, putting an arm around Jax's shoulders.

"Can I be the flower girl? I've always wanted to be a flower girl." Maxine asks.

"Of course!" I tell her, smiling brightly.

Then we start planning.

Time Skip

As I walk into my house, I'm still smiling and happy from school. I told the teacher that me and j were going to get married. She smiled at me and said 'Wow, you sound really confident. I hope to get an invite' and I said that she would be one of the first people on the guest list.

"Gilly! How was your day?" I hear my mother ask as I go to sit at the table.

"It was good! I met the person that I'm going to marry!" I say happily, hugging my mother.

"Oh! Um, that's good... Are you sure that you're going to marry them? You're a bit young to be deciding that now." My mother says, looking at me with slightly worried eyes.

"I'm sure. We talked about it during free time." I say, picking up an apple and biting into it.

"Okay... Can I meet them?" My mother asks. She looks confused, which is confusing me.

"Sure." I say, "This apple is really good. Do you want a bite mom? It's the last one."

My mother smiles as she takes the apple from me and takes a bite. I smile back as she nods, showing that she likes the apple. I take back my apple and look at the bite she took next to the one I took. My bite is small and really messy. My mother's bite is big and clean. Maybe that's what my bite will look like someday.

Time Skip (FTRS did happen by now and nothing changed from the books)

"Gilly. Do you remember when you were four or five and you said you were going to marry the new boy in your class?" Mom asks me randomly one day.

I have to think about it for a moment. I'm 16 now, so it's been about 11 years.

"Yes. I don't really remember why I thought I was going to marry him, I guess it was just my young imagination." I laugh, going back to reading my book.

"I remember that you mentioned his eyes a lot. You said they were really pretty, but you never said his name. I think I met him once or twice though. I can't quite remember what color his eyes were." Mom says thoughtfully.

I hear someone walk through the door and I put my book down.

"I don't remember his eyes either. I think they were blue or... Oh. Oh! I remember his name now! I know him! How could I never notice? Why didn't I see it sooner?" I exclaim.

"Who was it? Does he still visit? What color were his eyes?" Mom asks.

"Thief! I'm here! Come on, our friends are waiting." Jax says, walking over to me. I guess he was the one that came through the door.

"When you were five, did a girl come over to you in school and say that she was going to marry you someday?" I ask. The question makes my mom's eyes light up.

"Now I remember!" Mom exclaims.

"Wait... That was you?!" Jax asks, obviously very surprised.

"Yeah. That was me." I blush.

"Wow. It's so cool that we met again. I thought we'd never see each other again."

"I didn't think we'd meet again either."

"Aren't your friends waiting? You should go. Afterword, why don't you stay over for dinner? We'd be happy to have you." Mom says, directing us to the front door where a carriage is waiting.

Time Skip to after they all hang out

"Gilly? Do you still want to get married?" Jax asks randomly as we walk up to my house.

"Oh! Ummm, maybe? I don't know. We would have to date first." I say, blushing.

"Well yeah... So... Would you like to maybe go on a date sometime then?" He asks, playing with a piece of his hair.

"I'd love to." I say, as we reach the door. We enter and sit down beside each other to eat dinner.

Time Skip

5 years later my son comes running up to me.

"Momma! Do you want a bite of my apple?" He asks, climbing up on a chair next to me.

"Sure! Thank you Axel." I say, as I take the apple.

I take a bite then hand it back.

"Wow Mom, look at how different our bite marks look!" Axel exclaims.

I look at the apple and a small smile spreads across my face. It makes me remember what I thought to myself when I was five.

"Yeah. It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Love! I'm home!" My husband calls.

"Dad!" Axel exclaims, running to greet him.

I laugh and stand up. I pick up the book my husband was reading before he left, and then I walk to the front room.

"Welcome home Love." I say, handing Jax his book and hugging him.

"Thank you. How has your day been?" He asks.

"It was great! I got a lot done and finished writing my speech on why we need a place for people to get food free." I say.

"That's wonderful! What about you Axel?" Jax asks, turning to the boy.

"It was amazing! I met the person that I'm going to marry someday!" Axel responds.

"Oh? May we meet them sometime? Maybe for dinner?" I ask, looking over at Jax.

"Sure! I'm going to go do my homework now. I'll be done in time for dinner!" Axel says, walking to his room.

Jax and I look at each other for a moment. I can tell we're thinking the same thing.

"Our family is going to be stuck in a never ending cycle." I say.

"Definitely." Jax agrees, before taking my hand and walking with me to the garden.

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