POV: Sketchbook babysits kiddos

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no one's pov
It was a normal, boring day with absolutely nothing to do. Sketchbook was in her room, painting a picture on a canvas. She zoned out as she painted, which she often found herself doing. She thought about what she'd do today because nothing was really going on. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Sighing, she got up and opened her door to find Tony standing in front of her. "Yes? What do you want?" She asked. "Nice attitude you got there. Were you doing something important?" Tony rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I was just asking you, which you don't really have a choice but; me and the other's are going to the store to get some stuff and I know you don't like grocery shopping because you're lame, uh- can you watch the kids for us?" He asked. "No, absolutely not I am not staying with the demon children." She replied. "Cmonnn..." "No." "Cmmmoonnn..." Sketchbook tried to shove Tony out of her room but he didn't budge. "Fine, I'll buy you new art supplies if you babysit them." She considered the offer, "fine. But if I die, it's your fault." Tony laughed and nodded. He walked out the door. Sketchbook, regretting her choice, sat down on her bed. She contemplated her life choices, "ugh. Why can't they get Shrignold or someone else to watch them?" She said aloud to herself. She heard Tony calling her name from downstairs. She trudged down the steps leading to her doom. "Alright, kids have fun with Sketchbook! Don't drive her too insane." He walked out of the door and closed it. She was alone with the demon children.
Todney, Lily, Sammy, and Benny.
(Benny is bread boy, Sammy is spinach can, and Todney and Lily are the twins from the new series.)
Sammy immediately ran to the kitchen while Benny followed, "HEY, what do you think you're doing?" Sketchbook ran after the two. "Don't be such a party pooper! We just wanna make some food!" Sammy climbed onto the counter and started throwing pots and pans everywhere. Benny just sat and watched her. Benny was really the only well behaved one. He really just followed Sammy around considering she was his older sister. "SAMMY QUIT IT, YOU'RE MAKING A MESS!-" Sketchbook heard commotion from upstairs. She just remembered Doi had been left here too. She looked around for the twins. She heard their demonic little voices from upstairs. She ran up there and found Lily and Todney harassing Doi in his room. She picked the twins up, "quit annoying him! Let him sleep for God's sake." She apologized to Doi and took the twins out of his room and downstairs. To her demise, she found the kitchen a complete disaster. And RIGHT AS SOON as she got downstairs, Sammy dropped a bag of flour onto the ground. Sketchbook coughed as she waved the powdery flour that filled the air out of her face. "FLOUR FIGHT!" Sammy yelled as she threw a big clump of flour in Sketchbook's face. She felt anger boiling inside of her. Lily and Todney jumped out of her arms to join the 'flour fight.' Benny just sat on the couch watching them. Doi ran downstairs too. He coughed as he walked over to Sketchbook. "What's *cough* going on?.." He asked, in a drousy voice. He just woke up from a nap. Sketchbook sighed heavily. "They're just...being crazy kids I guess." Doi laughed and climbed into Sketchbook's arms. She went and sat on the couch next to Benny. She remembered she had her phone with her. "ALRIGHT, GUYS IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE, I'M CALLING STANLEY."
(meat guy is Stanley.) "GO AHEAD, HE WON'T DO NOTHIN' " Sammy yelled back at her. Sketchbook grew more angry with her attitude and dialed Stanley's number. After a few seconds, a voice on the other line answered. "Hello?" "STANLEY THANK GOODNESS YOU ANSWERED! Please, come home- one of you; I can't deal with these kids." "Woah, woah, woah, slow down- what happened?" He asked. "There's- there's flour everywhere and the kitchen is a huge mess and-" She got cut off. Stanley hung up. She sighed heavily and layed down on the couch, cuddling with Benny and Doi. "At least you two are well behaved." She ruffled Doi's hair. A few minutes later, she heard a knock on the door. Confused, she got up and walked through the door. She stood on her tip-toes and looked through the peep hole. It was Stanley and Fred. (Fred's the fridge-) She opened the door and looked up at them. Stanley stared in shock as Fred coughed, he was caught off gaurd by all the flour. Sammy  and the twins stopped in their tracks. "Oh shoot I didn't know she'd actually call him-" Sammy whispered to Lily. She signaled for the twins to follow her. Sammy ran upstairs. Fred's jaw dropped as he stared at the messy kitchen. He looked back at Sketchbook who looked exhausted and covered in flour. Stanley ran upstairs and yelled at the kids. "WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CAUSE SUCH CHAOS WHILE WE WERE GONE? SAMMY I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS, YOU WEREN'T BORN IN A BARN!" Sammy pouted. "You're grounded. All three of you." The twins nodded, "you make such a good dad! You have this whole family, it's impressive." Lily said. Todney nodded. Meanwhile, Sammy layed on the floor and swung her arms and kicked her legs. She was throwing a  temper tantrum. "SAMMY YOU QUIT THAT!" Downstairs, Fred just kept apologizing to Sketchbook, "I'm really sorry, dear- I didn't think that Sammy would act like this-" Sketchbook smiled, "it's alright, she's just a kid after all. Sammy came downstairs, angry and started cleaning the kitchen along with Lily and Todney who didn't seem mad about it. " I swear those twins creep me out sometimes." Sketchbook muttered. Fred nodded, agreeing with her.
Oh boy 989 words. I hope you liked the first chapter, it uh popped in my head a little while ago and I was like- "yeah, I'll do that." Anyway bye emo's 🤓👊

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