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Nevertheless, I couldn't behave harshly towards him, because I needed him so that I could gather evidence against the Russian Mafia. I would just have to let him down gently, but still make sure that he was sweet to me, and not too affected by it.

"I - I'm sorry Mr Abruzzi..." I stammered. "But I'm not interested."

Donte's face fell as I said this. He looked hurt and disappointed, like somebody had just stabbed him in the fucking chest, and wounded his ego. I guess he wasn't used to rejection, being the catch that he was.

"You're a lovely guy," I shrugged. "But I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, or to date anyone for that matter." I took a deep breath in. "I actually just came out of a really bad break-up a few days ago."

Donte's face relaxed as I said this, and he folded his arms, rubbing his chin in thought.

"I need time to move on from the break-up, before I try to get to know somebody new."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," Donte replied, smiling. "You're a beautiful girl, and I respect your decision. I hope you're able to recover from whatever your ex-boyfriend put you through. I'm glad you let me know." He paused. "I was stupid to ask you anyway...

"You're way out of my league, and you can do so much better than me."

I was taken aback by his response. I hadn't expected him to take the rejection so well, and still speak so kindly to me. Most men weren't good at taking rejection. Most men would say "it's your own loss" or "you're ugly anyway, I only wanted my dick sucked". I knew too many assholes who felt like they were entitled just because they had a pretty face.

I was in a state of confusion. If he was such a bad man, and a fucking criminal, then why did he respect women so much? None of this was making any sense to me.

"Are you kidding me?" I denied, trying to lighten the situation by complimenting him. "Have you even looked at yourself in the mirror? Girls must fucking throw themselves at you."

Donte chuckled back in response, amused.

"I mean, it wouldn't matter if every girl in the world was chasing me..." he smirked, with his hands on his hips. "I wouldn't care. Unless it was the girl that I wanted."

I could feel my eyes smouldering with lust as he said this. What the actual fuck was wrong with me? Just a few sweet nothings from him were enough to cloud my vision and set my skin on fucking fire.

"And I never give up until I get what I want," Donte said, in a raspy, sexy voice. "Goodnight, Sapphire."

He turned on his heel and began walking away from me. As he left, I took this chance to swallow down a lump that had caught in my throat, and let out a sigh that I didn't know I'd been holding.

He wanted me?

My heart hammered against my chest, as I tried to spin back into reality after what the hell he'd just said to me.

"He probably says that to every girl he tries to get in bed," I muttered to myself, rolling my eyes, trying to convince myself that I was right. "I'm not that gullible. I should really distance myself from him for a while, before I start enjoying his company a bit more than I should."

And it was true. I really, really needed to distance myself from him. It was only my first day of knowing him, but he'd already left a mark on me, and he'd been running through my mind endlessly. I was behaving like a teenager with a school crush. I couldn't get attached to something that was dangerous for me. I couldn't get attached to a feeling that wasn't real.

I needed to remember that I was here on a mission...

I shook my head, angry at myself for not better composing myself. I wished that I'd been more professional around him.

They always say that if you play with fire you'll get burned.

I turned on my heel and began walking out of the building, ready to make my way to my apartment.

Deadly Obsession: A Dark Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now