Chapter 23

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Making and Losing memories

I had joined everyone back at the bon fire. But I sat by myself I didn't feel like talking to anyone. If I'm honest, I feel really bad about the way I spoke to Demi. All she does is try to help and keep me safe, and I'm nothing but a selfish fuckup. Why can't I be more like kirra? at this point Demi probably wouldn't even care if I disappeared. I wanted to be special to her but all I do is mess things up. I'm just not used to having someone looking over my shoulder and being so kind and loving towards me. Specially from a grown up. I decided I'd call it a night and I headed over to my tent, I got in and tried to fall asleep.

About an hour had passed and I still hadn't fallen asleep, I couldn't. I felt sick. I was so upset, and I'd left my blade back at camp in my room. but I needed it now, I needed to punish myself. 

I heard lots of noise and everyone talking from outside. Everyone must be coming to bed for the night. 
My tent unzipped and Maddie popped her head in "hey girl!" She shouted clicking on the fairy lights "hey!" Ava and Jess said crawling in after her.. "Oh hey guys" I mumbled sitting up "why'd you leave early?" Jess asked "yeh is everything okay?" Maddie asked looking at me concerned. I rolled my eyes at Maddie. I know she's just being sweet and caring but I hate that she knew my secret. "I just had a headache but I'm fine now" shrugged. "Good. because we're meeting up with the guys in an hour when everyone's asleep!" Jess whispered. Oh right, I'd forgot about that. We promised Jess we'd pull an all nighter "what's there to do around here?" I whispered back "I dont know, what's around here?" Jess said. Maddie opened maps on her phone to see what was around "hmmm. Looks like there's a star bucks!" She said "oo and a skate park!" Ava said pointing at her phone "Starbucks?" I said curiously "I've never been"  the girls all looked at me with their mouths opened "are you kidding?" Jess shouted. Ava slapped her hand over Jess's mouth "shhhh"
"How far of a walk is it?" Ava asked "we HAVE to take Hayley to star bucks"  "it's about.. 40-50 minutes. It's 10 minutes down the road from where the busses dropped us off" Maddie answered "how are we going to pay for it?" Jess asked. We all thought for a minute. I opened my mouth to suggest something but when I did Ava cut me off "we are not stealing money" she joked "I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say Joel has some from when we snuck outta camp and got smokes and lollies, remember?" I said "that's right! We found it on the way back" Ava squealed "wait what?" Maddie asked "while we were walking up to the servo a cop car drove past and we all dived into some bushes. We didn't realise until we got there that the money had fallen out of Joel's pockets. But we found it on the way back so we never spent it!" I exclaimed "then... how did you pay for the stuff?" Jess asked raising an eye brow at me. "Yeah how did you?" Ava asked I stared back at them all not sure what to say. "Uh. Guys that's not important right now. Let me call Joel" I mumbled picking up my phone and finding his contact. Luckily they didn't bring it up again.

Hayley- hey Joel it's hayley
J- oh hey, what's up?
H- Hey, remember when we went to the servo. At the start of camp, and you dropped all our money?
J- do you have to remind me?
H- but then we found it
J- yeh. I've still got it. It's in my wallet but not a lot of use right now.
H-no that's awesome! There's a Starbucks just under an hour from here and we all wanna go! So we'll need the money
J-awesome! That sounds great. We'll meet up with you guys in about an hour near the picnic tables?
H- done see you then

We ended the phone call. "Alright all set!" I giggled. We sat in our tent and waited for the hour to pass to make sure everyone was asleep so we didn't get caught. We gossiped and talked and I have to say. For once, I felt like a teenager. I felt like I had freedom almost like I was 'normal' gossiping and sneaking out meeting up with boys. I'll have to remember to write Amanda a thank you note for sending me here. I smiled to myself.

"Should we leave now?" Maddie whispered, Ava checked the time "yeah, let's go" she whispered. We quietly snuck out of our tent one by one and zipped it back up. We ran down to the beach and over to the picnic tables where the boys were already waiting for us. "Hey guys" they whispered walking over to us. "Hey" I waved to them "do you have the map up?" Ava asked Maddie "yup! We just follow the trail we came down on then pretty much a straight line" she said
"Yess let's go!" Tyler cheered.

Demi's camp getawayWhere stories live. Discover now