His brain was going into overdrive. If there was a local pack, he needed to meet them. Needed to make sure they knew he wasn't a threat, that he wasn't encroaching on their territory. Everything Derek had ever taught him about pack relations flashed through his mind. Would they let him stay without joining them? He couldn't bear to join any pack other than his own. He just couldn't. He may have moved away from Beacon Hills, but they're still his pack, still his family.

"They're born, yes... but they're not like you," Jasper repeated, eyes searching the others face. Kova let the wolf surface for a moment, his eyes glowing yellow, his fangs elongating, and Jasper's eyes sparked with fascination. "Incredible," he breathed, breath hitching momentarily. "The Quileutes are native to forks, they've been here for generations. They're more... shapeshifters than werewolves I suppose."

"I need to meet them," Kova said seriously, and then something occurred to him. "You never answered my question. What did you do to me earlier?"

Something flickered in Jaspers eyes, but he hid it well.

"Our kind, some of us- we have extra... abilities," he explained wearily, as if expecting a negative reaction. "Edward can read thoughts," Kova's jaw dropped at that. "Alice, my sister, she can see the future," if his mouth wasn't already open, it certainly would have dropped open then.

"And you?" Kova inquired when he didn't continue.

"I can both sense and manipulate emotions," he said slowly, cautiously.

Kova sat back down, that made so much sense. The soothing feeling he felt in class when Jasper touched his hand, the comfort he felt. The calming sensation in the woods at lunch. How... interesting. The werewolf once again found his eyes drawn to the southern vampire in front of him. He'd stayed still as a statue throughout their discussion, his hands clasped behind his back. It struck Kova then that he looked military in his stance. In fact, he'd looked like a soldier more than once today. In the hard set of his gaze when he'd been explaining difficult truths, in the ready way he held his hands, as if always prepared to strike. In the way he could fade into the background despite possessing beauty that made him stand out.

"You're military," Kova observed, and a ripple of shock passed over the vampires face. And then a small, crooked smile grew on his lips.

"And you're very observant," Jasper accused, and his eyes sparkled. "I was once," he admitted.

He sucked in a breath, prepared to relay the story of his change, how he became what stood in front of Kova now. But the wolf held up a hand as he stood, halting him.

"You can tell me when you're ready," he said, as if sensing Jaspers reluctance. "We should probably get to know each other like normal people before we get to the deep stuff," Kova smirked lightly.

Jasper rose a brow, his crooked grin still in place, "Oh, so you want to get to know me, do you?"

Kova bit his lip, tilting his head and shrugging in an attempt to hide that he absolutely wanted to get to know the vampire. But seeing as Jasper could read emotions as well as Kova could sense them on the air, he knew it was pointless. There was a whoosh and then the vampire was only an inch away from him.

"I'll tell you whatever you want to hear, darlin'," He murmured, his voice hot and low.

Kova shivered and smirked, meeting his scorching gaze head on. "I'm not sure why, but I believe that."

Jasper's smiled widened, and it was downright dazzling.

"Definitely trouble," Kova murmured, licking his lips. He couldn't help glancing down at Jasper's mouth for a moment, and asked in a soft voice, "do you have any questions for me?" He flashed his yellow eyes at the vampire for emphasis, and he was sure he saw heat flash in his eyes.

Apricity {Jasper CullenxMale OC}Where stories live. Discover now