Chapter 2 - a new challenger

Start from the beginning

"Yes coach," all of them said in unison.

"Now today is a bit different," the coach stepped to the side to reveal all the families with children brightly gawking at the members, Chia felt flattered, "we only started open days this year, it's where parents of the first year and the students themselves have a tour of the school and their interest, this is why only the people in clubs are here today. These children are interested in pursuing soccer therefore you will your them around and answer their questions. Now I shall pair you up, you shall do your regime's tomorrow instead."

This is why the school felt empty, Chia thought.

Chia was paired up with the Regult family, with their son Bergamo questioning her about soccer.

"Did you know I joined this school because of you?" the little boy (not a very little boy because of the 1 year age difference) said to Chia as his parents were behind taking photos of every corner of the school, Chia felt very giddy.

"Aw really? Why so?" Chia got herself ready to receive compliments, on how she thrives in the spotlight.

"You were really fast! And when you steal the ball it looked like it was nothing to you! It's because you looked graceful on the field. But not only that your duo with Clario carried the team through the Spain tournament and won!" Despite Bergamo trying to look cool by placing both of his hands at the back of the head, he had an inner child with his fanboying.

The rest of the tour was Chia conversing with Bergamo and creating a new friendship, his parents from time to time asked questions of the school, "what grades does he gave to get to stay in the team?" "what are the process for Bergamo to get into the team?" "how harsh is the training?"

Chia had added a new close friend to her list, he should tell him to call her Cherry from now on.


"How was your tour?" Chia and Clario we're walking home together, this time Chia only had one earbud on for music, and the other ear is listening to the conversation.

"It was ok,"

"Who did you get paired up with?"


"Did anything special happen?"

"Luther was confident like you, but a bit arrogant, he challenged me to a match and lost, now he said that he's going to challenge you to a dribbling match next,"

"Oh? Ahahaha! I like him already, we should be friends!"

"You befriend anyone who breathes,"


"YOU!" Chia was taken aback by the sheer volume in the distance. Clario and Chia turned around to spot a boy with red spiky hair. "FIGHT ME!"

"What?" Chia was confused about this boy pointing at her. A fight? Chia can't even punch, what do you mean?

"Luther not now," Clario's voice dropped slightly, Luther froze but walked slower towards the duo.

"Chia! Dribble competition with me! I can beat you!" this was the first time Chia saw Clario disappointed. Clario made eye contact with Chia and shook his head, but Chia didn't listen, and Clario knew that.

"Sure! There's a park nearby!" Clario has never face palmed so loudly. Chia dragged Clario by the arm over to the direction of the park and signalled Luther to join.


15-0, in Chia's favour. Luther has never been demolished this bad, even Clario went easy on him (mostly because Luther's parents are watching). The defeated boy laid on the ground, sweating and breathing heavily. Chia stayed standing and fixing her hair, reapplied her lipgloss, and fixed her skirt (she was relieved when she wore shorts under her skirt).

"Chia we should head to our homes, it's getting late." Clario picked up his bag and handed the heavily decorated bag to Chia, he also got Luther's bag and gave it to him.

"HOW?" Luther wasn't finished, "I- how? You're only one year older than me!"

"But that one year can earn many experiences," Clario was not amused, interested in a new challenger, but not overjoyed.

"It's ok though! You can get better... Sooner or later," Chia cackled while walking away, Clario followed and Luther was left there to contemplate his actions.

"I'LL CHALLENGE YOU AGAIN I SWEAR!" Luther's voice was carried across the empty park, birds scattered by the volume, followed by Chia's cackling laughter, "SURE!"

[HIATUS] Cherry on the field | Inazuma ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now