English Exchange Student (pt. 2) •lee felix•

Start from the beginning

The pair of jeans had some graphic writing on the back of the butt and on the front. You loved them.

"I love these!" you exclaimed, taking the jeans from Felix as you moved passed him to the area where he got them.

Felix let out a soft smile, watching you pick out at least five outfits. Except you suddenly remembered that you didn't have that much money to be spending. So you gave someone a call.

"Vernon!" your eyes lit up once your brother picked up the phone immediately.

"Oh? What's this for?" Vernon asked, knowing that something was up with you instantly.

You pressed the phone up to your ear, letting out a nervous laugh in fear that Vernon would say no to your request.

"Do you think I could buy some outfits and put it on your card? I really need some new stuff!" you began whining, and could hear Vernon on the other end trying to shush you.

"I don't mind. Go ahead and get whatever you like," Vernon replied calmly.

"Really?!" you asked, giving Felix a shocked look in which he returned back to you.

"Don't go overboard."

Vernon suddenly blinked. "Are you alone in the city?"

You froze. You didn't know why, but you felt a little embarrassed. Then you shook your head as if Vernon could see.

"No, I'm with a friend," you stated, giving Felix a quick glance only to find him looking for a jacket in a different isle near you.

"That's impossible,"


"You don't have friends,"

Over the line you could hear Mingyu and Dino laughing hysterically at his comment, which made you want to cuss Vernon out for even talking to you in front of them. But, you can't because at the end of the day, he's your brother. And you're with Felix.

"I'm hanging up." and you pressed the red button on your phone as you turned to look at Felix.

He turned around as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

"Let's buy a few more things!" you said cheerfully. Little did Felix know, it was just so you could get back at Vernon for his stupid remark.


"Mom! I'm home!" Felix exclaimed, walking inside of his house carrying too many bags at once in each hand.

You held the door open for him and followed him inside.

"How was your day at school?" a woman's voice asked from around the corner. She, too, had an accent like Felix.

You gazed up at the beautiful chandelier above your head, then the off-white walls, and the staircase right by the front door. It was a gorgeous home, and you hadn't even seen half of it.

Suddenly a strong smell of brownies hit your nose, snapping you out of your thoughts on Felix's home.

"Oh! I didn't know you were bringing a friend home," you met eyes with Felix's mom. She was holding freshly baked brownies on a tray with red and white plaid oven mitts on.

She then suddenly gave Felix a not-so-sly grin, making him instantly turn flustered but more so embarrassed.

"I'm Y/n, it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Lee," you gave her a meaningful bow, earning a small one from her considering she was holding precious pastries.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you darling," she gave you a bright smile, one that looked just like Felix's. You gave her a small, soft smile.

Then her eyes flickered down to the bags in Felix's hands. The bags Felix offered to hold just for you.

"Uh, we were just going to go up and study. Y/n just moved here from New York and she needs a little bit of help with the language," Felix let out a nervous laugh in hopes his mother wouldn't embarrass him further.

A small smile appeared on his mother's lips, nodding her head slightly.

"Okay, well after 30 minutes worth of studying these will be all cooled down for you two!" Felix's mother chimed with a smile, holding up the tray of steaming brownies.

Felix nodded and thanked his mother before guiding you up the stairs to his bedroom. Felix set your bags full of clothes and accessories down by his nightstand and moved out of the way for you to enter.

His room wasn't what you expected at all. It was very clean and neat, minus a couple of hoodies and T-shirts on his bed, and his schoolwork that he was now unloading from his backpack on his desk. It smelled super nice, too. But you couldn't place exactly what the fragrance was.

"Come. Sit," Felix snapped you back into reality, making you look up at him.

He was already standing at his desk, waiting for you to go sit down next to him to begin studying. You weren't looking forward to embarrass yourself further, but if Felix is willing to give you help, you might as well take it, right?

After only fifteen minutes worth of studying, the rest of the fifteen minutes you had left were spent talking with Felix and getting to know each other better. He told you about stories from when he used to live in Australia, and how there was a spider the size of his hand crawling up his bedroom wall. You could only cringe in disgust and tell him about your pigeon encounters in New York. It was nothing compared to that giant spider of Felix's.

"See? You aren't bad at Korean at all!" Felix chimed, standing up straight beside you with a big smile on his face.

You looked up at him and rolled your eyes, "you're only saying that to make me feel better,"

You looked down at your worksheet in which Felix helped you with. It was full of your messy Korean handwriting and some notes of Felix's in beautiful print.

"No, don't say that," Felix almost whined, giving you a small push on your shoulder. You looked up at him and couldn't help but smile. Just his face and good vibes was enough to make you feel like you belong here.

If it weren't for Felix, you'd probably be kicked out of the school by now.

And you wouldn't have anyone to hang out with.

"Now let's go downstairs! You HAVE to try one of my mom's brownies!" Felix exclaimed excitedly, grabbing your hand and practically running down the stairs to his kitchen.

A/n: sorry I haven't been updating in practically a week! But guess what...

Your girl's Maxident album came in.

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