Dirty Diapers

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The two arrived at Bazz-B's small place while everyone stared at the two. Bazz-B stormed over to a cupboard and pulled out a cloth and shoved it at Cang-Du. "Do something about that cut on your mouth. You're bleeding all over the place."

Cang-Du took the cloth and sat down in the chair sitting at the table. "I want to see him. I want to see nii-sama's child."

The lighter haired Quincy let out a sigh. "Not while you're bleeding all over the place. Send for a damn medic. I seriously don't know how you can forgive me."

"What do you mean?"

"There were two children in house, another boy. Aren't you going to blame me for his death?"

Cang-Du pulled the cloth away from his mouth. "Aren't you the one blaming yourself for his death?"

Bazz-B glared back at his partner. "That kid looked like your brother. You could say I let him die."

"You wouldn't. He's still... he was still your sisters child." Cang-Du moved uncomfortably in the chair as he placed the cloth back on his mouth. "Do you want to..."

The lighter haired Quincy felt his eye twitch. "Seriously... this is not the time for that."

"Doing that makes you feel better, and..." The darker haired Quincy's nose wrinkled up.

Bazz-B quickly set the child down on the counter and began to undo the clothing. "What? You've never smelled a diaper before? I'll get to work changing it. You though get yourself a damn medic! Your mouth is still bleeding. What happened after..."

The lighter haired Quincy stared at the small child in front of him as the corner of his mouth twitched. Cang-Du leaned forward. "What ever is the matter?"

Bazz-B opened his mouth to say something only for the door to slam open.

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