Fiery Rage

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Bazz-B's jaw clenched as he saw the flash of silver near Cang-Du's face followed by a spray of blood. The darker haired Quincy stumbled back a step and moved away from the silver flash. One hand reached up to wipe the left side of his mouth with the back of his hand. The man stared at the mess on the back of his head.

Bazz-B's jaw instinctively clenched in the few seconds of reaction time as his head turned back in the direction of the silver haired youth. His fist suddenly pulled back as his body surged forward. The silver haired youth's mouth twisted up into a creepy grin, and Bazz-B wanted to smash said grin. He also watched as the silver youth opened up his eyes, and the pale teal looked like some kind of evil to obliterate.

As Bazz-B lost control of his temper he also lost control of his abilities. Fire formed around his fist as it surged towards the silver haired youth only to fly past while Cang-Du's half-brother. He felt something knick his cheek slightly, and then felt Cang-Du shove him away. "Move!"

Out of the corner of Bazz-B's eye he saw Cang-Du activate his ability to turn his skin into a hard substance to prevent attack before pulling his clawed weapons out causing the silver haired man to step backwards from the spot. The silver haired man continued moving away as Cang-Du sought to pummel him. "So much for not being able to pummel your own brother. And he's my target..." Bazz-B gritted his teeth together as the two became farther away from the house they were near. "Shit!"

Bazz-B quickly stomped down with his foot sending out a wave of fire causing the house to catch on fire. He continued to ground his teeth until he heard the cries of children from inside of the house. His head twisted around to the side as his jaw relaxed from the shock. "The damn bastard's been trying to draw us away from this place. Shit ... have they really been gone long enough to have had a kid?"

Bazz-B quickly shifted to slamming his shoulder into the door in time to see two children in the room. He caught the site of white hair before a beam fell down between the two children causing him to dive forward to grab the violet haired child. The toddler began to scream, kick and bite as Bazz-B hauled the child away from the other child. The light haired Quincy quickly wished he kept his cloth mask on, and moved his arm around the child's mouth.

Outside of the house he could feel the killing aura coming off Cang-Du's brother. Bazz-B spit on the ground. "Retreat you moron! He was going easy on us!"

Quickly Bazz-B slipped into the shadows and began to run without looking back. He hoped Cang-Du would be close behind him, but some instinct told him to make the child a priority. He continued lettng out a string of curses at his bad luck.

Our Niece, Our Daughter (Bleach Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن