Fists of Furry

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Bazz-B wanted to beat somebody into the ground. The young Quincy backed off trying to attack the silver haired youth because his sister insisted. "You'll understand when you meet that special someone." A few months after saying these words to her brother she disappeared with her special someone, and rumors flew around the community blaming the girl. The light haired Quincy ground his teeth together as he stormed through Vandenreich trying to find someone to pummel.

The youth stopped short at hearing the shrill voice belonging to one of the women in his majesties inner circle, and he switched directions in order to change directions to see what was going on. Bazz-B stepped behind a pillar before the two people in the narrow courtyard could see him. The woman was a dark haired female, and she scowled at the dark haired youth who constantly followed around his sister's special someone.

The light haired Quincy heard a resounding slap as the woman's hand hit the dark haired youth's cheek leaving a red mark. "Your job Cang-Du wasn't to just protect his majesties heir. Your job was to make sure he stayed out of trouble. Why do you think they punished you like they did? This mistake... you've brought shame upon our branch of the family, and we'll never regain face. Get out of my site."

Cang-Du complied with the woman's request, and walked at a quick pace past the pillar Bazz-B choose to stand behind. The dark haired youth bumped into Bazz-B's shoulder as he passed causing the other youth to grind his teeth even more. The light haired Quincy pushed his heals into the ground and grabbed the other's shoulder. His other arm pulled back and his fist flew into the face of the other youth with a resounding crack.

Bazz-B grabbed the front of Cang-Du's crisp uniform to prevent him from falling. "Where the hell did your damn half-brother take my sister!"

The dark haired youth stared at Bazz-B with a blank look. Cang-Du's mouth finally opened. "You shouldn't address nii-sama in such a manner."

"Address..." Bazz-B pulled Cang-Du closer to him so his hot breath touched the others face. The lighter haired Quincy let out a string of curses before saying what he felt. "That bastard brother of yours ran off with my sister! I'll repeat..."

The darker haired youth didn't allow Bazz-B to finish his sentence as a fist crashed into the lighter haired Quincy's jaw causing his mouth to snap shut. The next thing he knew the two were pummeling each other, and Bazz-B kept yelling. The punches stopped flying with both collapsed to the ground covered in sweat and blood. The two youth lay on the ground next to each other facing different cardinal directions. Bazz-B's breath came in a ragid manner as he looked through the one eye which wasn't blackened from the fight. "Seriously... where are they."

"I doubt I would have been punished if I knew." The dark haired youth remained silent for a few minutes as Bazz-B closed his eyes. What he said next caused Bazz-B's eyes to snap open. "No. If I had known I would have said nothing I think. I think if they found them they would kill the person nii-sama cares about."

Bazz-B closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

Our Niece, Our Daughter (Bleach Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα