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The rain poured down outside of the forth division causing the temperature inside to drop. A man leaned up against the door frame looking at the small figure in the bed. Purple strands of hair freshly cut stuck out from the bandage wrapped around the young girl's head. Bazz-B stood there fighting back the urge to punch a hole in the wall.

"Momma..." The girl's lips moved slowly.

"I thought I told you..."

Two violet eyes opened up slightly as the girl turned her head to look at the man. "Momma... where's momma."

Bazz-B ran a hand through his mohawk as the corners of his mouth twisted down into a deep frown. "That's right. She doesn't know Cang-Du..."

The small figure pushed herself up onto her elbows. "Uncle Bazz-B... where's Uncle Cang-Du?"

"Bambietta..." The man stepped over and let out a deep sigh of frustration. "What if I were to say you have the chance to meet your real mom? The woman who's my sister?"

A frown spread across the girl's face. "I already have two mommas. I don't need some woman who refused to be in my life."

"Yes, but..." Bazz-B sat down with a plot in the chair next to the girl wondering how to tell her about her other momma, or the fact her real mother never refused to be in her life.

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