Chapter Twenty Four

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I shut the car door, waving to Haerin as she drives off. I rub my eyes as I make my way into the apartment building. It's pitch black outside, only the dim hallway lights leading the way. I sluggishly move up the stairs, holding onto the handrail with withal piece of energy I have. As soon as I get to Moonbyuls apartment I knock the door.

After a couple of minutes I see the black door open, revealing a half asleep Moonbyul in her cute pyjamas.


I walk in as Moonbyul moves to one side, rubbing her eyes. A yawn forces my mouth open as I flop onto her couch, almost falling asleep imedietly.

"Let's go through the plan.."

I look to Moonbyul as she sits across from me, rubbing her pale face.

"We will start the vlog in my room, we can decorate a scene where it looks like we've just woken up? From then we will get ready, have breakfast, work out, go on a dog walk, dance practice etc"

I nod softly agreeing with her plan. I get up, slowly following her to her bed.

"Ah.. But Byul.. I don't have any extra clothes.."

I sit on the edge of the bed watching as she stretches before setting her camera up.

"You can wear one of my shirts for bed.. And your clothes are fine for working out"

I look around her bedroom as she goes into her draw, getting out an oversized pyjama top. I move my bag off of her bed and down by the side of her bed. I look over towards Moonbyul as she passes me a cream silk button up pyjama shirt.

I thank her before I quickly change into it, leaving my clothes by my bag. I move onto her bed, only in her pyjama shirt and my pants. I move under her covers as she finished setting up everything. I wiggle around in her bed, sleep quickly moving it's way into my system.

Her bed is unbelievably comfortable.. I could sleep any second now..

I watch Moonbyul as she sets an alarm on her phone before getting in bed next to me. For a while we cuddle, our bodies intertwined. A soft whine exits my body as Moonbyuls alarm goes off. I rub my face softly as Moonbyul turns off the alarm before getting up. I watch her body as she moves forward the camera, picking it up before introducing herself.

I listen to her talk, covering my face as she opens the blinds. I pout softly hearing the call my name. I giggle whining as she climbs ontop of me, kissing all over my face. I sit up as she gets off, going back to the camera. I watch as she moves into the bathroom.

I get out of the bed, stretching my limbs. I move into the bathroom wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, cuddling into her back. I smile staring at her, watching her in the mirror

"You're so pretty.."

I giggle softly as her face reddens, quickly looking to me. I peck her cheek before leaving the bathroom and her in her flustered state.

I go back my I the bedroom grabbing my bag and getting dressed. I look around her bedroom before I leave. I go past the bathroom raising an eyebrow as I don't see her in there. I move into the kitchen and I grin seeing her at the fridge. I go to her, sneakily touching her ass as I walk past. But before I could move away Moonbyul pulls me back, kissing all over my face as payback.

"Okay okay I get it!"

I whine softly as she let's me go. I move away, getting out some bagels for us to have for breakfast as she finishes up her face routine. I begin making us some bagels with a variety of toppings. I get out some plates, finishing up our breakfast as she quickly gets dressed into her workout gear.

"You ready for some food?"

I put out breakfast on the table as she nods, finishing up this part of the vlog. I sit down watching as she places the camera on the side before joining me at the table.

"Thank you for this.. I don't usually eat breakfast. So it's a nice change.."

After breakfast we go to the gym. Nothing that interesting happened. We helped eachother, vlogged eachother. That's it. The rest of the day went really quick.

We took Daebak, Haengwoon, Geongang and Janggu on a walk. The four of them loved it.. While we were out with the dogs we got some lunch. Only something small.

We were going to do some dance practise but we ultimately decided that we didn't have enough time to. So instead we decided to relax and watch a movie.

We had dinner, ended the vlog and now we are cuddling on her couch. I stare up at Moonbyul, my head delicately resting on her chest. My eyes stay connected to hers, not moving a single inch.

Both of us ignore whatever is playing on the TV, our focus entirely devoted to eachother. I feel myself being dragged into her loving gaze as our eye contact seems never ending.

My face is warming up as I feel her hand underneath my shirt, gently rubbing my side. I move closer, breathing in her intoxicating scent, wanting more of her every second.

She's like a succubus..

Luring me in with simple words and actions..

Hiya Moomoos! I hope you enjoyed this chappie~ And I hope you are enjoying Follow The Script so far! Eventhough I have struggled to have the motivation to write this fan fiction I have still kept going! Out of devotion and love to my fellow Moomoos~ I need to continue to feed yall so I can't stop now!

Word Count: 983

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