Chapter Three

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I raise my arms above my head, reaching as far up as I can, stretching my muscles. I breathe in deep, a delicious aroma seeping through the gaps of my door. My mouth instantly watering at the scent of a well cooked breakfast. I move out of my shared room, looking down the hallway. a smile rests on my face as I see my fellow members resting in the lounge while Lihua prepares us a breakfast that fits into our dieting rules.

I go into the bathroom, getting my things ready for my morning routine. If I hurry this.. I might be ready in time for breakfast.. But at the cost of my facial health..? a sigh escapes my lips as I begin my face routine. When I have finished I put everything away and I make my way into the lounge.


I flop onto the couch next to Yoona as Aki and Hana sit at the dining table, eagerly awaiting their delicious meal.  I groan softly as my body throbs with aches and pains from all the practising and endless amount of shows we have been on.  Being a kpop idol really takes a hit on your body, even if you have only just debuted like us. I look towards Lihua as she is mixing many things in her special cooking bowl. 

"Lily.. What are you making?"

I move, getting comfy in my seat as I look towards Lihua, waiting for her answer. However, before she can say anything Yoona lets out an exaggerated gasp. I look at her with a very confused look. What's up with her.. Maybe it is some beef between her friends, or her ex just messaged her..? With her it is so hard to tell.

"What's wrong with you?"

"So I just found a news article.. 'Rookie girl group ISRY's Saemi caught in dating scandal a week after debut'.."

A hard lump forms in my throat as Yoona's words leave her lips. My body trembles slightly , panic slowly taking over every inch of my being. A dating scandal..? But how..? I look at the members as they quickly crowd around us as Yoona begins to read out the article.

"Rookie group ISRY's main vocalist Kim Saemi has recently been caught in a dating scandal only one week after debut. Pictures of her and girl crush star Moonbyul having been circling round after they appeared on the idols radio show 'Studio Moon Night'. pictures of the two in an embrace as it seems Moonbyul gave the rookie a beautifully prepared bouquet'"

A shattered sigh escapes my lips as I bring my hands to my face, instinctively covering it. How is this happening..? It's just a huge misunderstanding! We hugged because we had a good time and it was a thanks for letting us on her show.. The bouquet was a gift from her for out debut.. Do these people not think..? We obviously  aren't dating.. But why do people think we are..? God this is all too much for me.. We literally just debuted and I'm already caught up in a stupid scandal.. And with Moonbyul of all people..?

"What do I do..? Will I get yelled at by the CEO..?"

My gaze moves towards the members as Yoona gingerly moves my hands away from my face  as they look between each other before turning to me. They look.. I'm not sure how they look.. Maybe a mixture of worry and concern.. I mean it would make sense.. I am in a scandal and bringing to groups reputation down.. 

"Most likely.. I mean.. Are you and Moonbyul.."

"No! That's why it's a scandal!" 

I cover my face one again, this time rubbing my eyes out of frustration. Nausea rises in me as I think of all the possible outcomes after this scandal. I don't like a single one of them. The CEO is scary as shit and I'm going to get yelled at by him..

"What if I get kicked out of the group..?"

A quiet sniffle exits my form as the girls move, bringing me into a group hug.

"You won't, we promise.." 

I wipe my eyes slightly as I look at the members. I don't know how a promise will help me keep my job but it's thoughtful anyways. I smile slightly as them and I raise an eyebrow smelling something burning.

"Lily.. I think the food is burning.."

We all look towards her as she rushes into the kitchen, making many worried noises. I giggle softly as the members laugh. I bite my lip nervously peeking at my phone. I really hope I don't get yelled at..

"I'm just going to grab my charger quick.."

I get up quickly going back to mine and Aki's shared room. Some alone time is what I need after this fiasco.. I close the door behind me and I sit on my bed, rubbing my face slightly. I grab my phone opening it and going onto social media. I probably shouldn't look through peoples opinions but I can't help it. A frown rests on my face as all I can see are negative comments..

Hwashihoe: Saemi and Moonbyul? God please, Moonbyul can do so much better than her.

Sunandmoon: Moonbyul belongs with Solar and that's final.

Starrienight: This is just a scandal I don't know why people would believe this.

Wheeunni: Saemi is a rookie, why the hell would Moonbyul date her? They literally just met.

Lionya: I think they're just friends, there isn't much evidence to it.

Moomoostay: I think they're cute together :)

Moomasun: Mm no thanks

I stare at my phone scrolling more than I should. Clearly I am not good enough for Moonbyul.. I look at Aki quickly as she takes my phone from me and sits next to me on my bed. I sigh slightly as she wraps an arm around me cuddling into my arm.

"Stop looking at them.. It isn't good for your mental health.."

I frown softly as she rubs my side staring at me. I rub my face, tears welling up in my eyes. My career has only just started and people already hate me.. Soft sniffles leave my body as Aki massages my back, attempting to soothe my upset form.

I hope I don't get fired..

Hey moomoos~ I hope you're enjoying the new fic so far. Writing something new feels so refreshing.

Word Count: 1070

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