Chapter Ten

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Fast, shallow breaths leave my dry throat as beads of sweat run down my forehead. Every inch of my body aches and yet I'm still holding up.

Not anymore.

My body collapses against the cold wooden floor, searching for the last reminder of energy I have.

"Come on girls! Get back up!"

Groan echo throughout the practise room as we are all on the floor apart from our main dancer Hana. I prop myself up on my elbows looking up at her still form.

"Hana.. We've been doing this for six hours.. Can we have another break?"

I frown slightly at her laughter. Even though Hana is an amazing person, she is too hard on us. I look to the door as our manager walks in, greeting us all.

"Saemi, may I talk to you quickly"

I nod, quickly getting up and following him out. We stand just outside the practise room, far enough so they can't hear us but not too far for me to get back easily.

"So, you and Moonbyul will be doing a live stream tonight. You have a slight script as you two will be announcing your relationship. We will be watching that we won't be there are"

I nod softly reading through the brief script that he has given me.

"When will this be?"

"In about an hour, I'm going to be taking you to Moonbyul so grab your stuff and we will leave"

I nod softly going back into the practise room, grabbing the few things I brought with me. I look to Hana and she asks where I'm going off to.

"I am going to Moonbyul's. We are going to be announcing our relationship on a livestream"

I move my bag over my shoulder as Aki whines, clearly not wanting me to leave. I say my goodbyes to them, waving as I leave the room. I follow Kyungil through the building and out to the car, chatting about the livestream on our walk. I get into his car, putting my seatbelt on as I call Moonbyul.


"Hey Moonbyul, Kyungil is driving me to yours. Do you know about the live stream?"

I pout at her harmonious giggle.

"Ah.. Of course I do Saemi. I'm getting everything tidy"

"Mm.. Okay, I'll ring the doorbell when I get there"

An evil grin rests on my face as I hang up before she can say anything. Man revenge tastes so good. I look to Kyungil as he chuckles at my childish actions.

"Kyungil.. Why did they decide for us to reveal today?"

"Because people are getting aggravated about the companies not saying anything about the scandal. It's better to reveal now while most people are happy, rather than reveal later when people are angry and confused"

I nod softly, understanding his reasoning. It's most likely for profit too.. A gentle sigh leaves me as Kyungil turns and stops outside of the apartment block Moonbyul resides in. I thank him as I get out and I wait until he drives away. I make sure he is gone before entering the apartment block.

I walk up the five flights of stairs, gasping for breath by the time I get to her floor. How in the hell does she do this twice every day day? That's probably how she is so in shape.. I walk to her apartment and I ring the bell waiting for Moonbyul to let me in. I smile seeing the familiar woman invite me in to her home. I take off my shoes, exchanging them for slippers as she closes the door behind me. I giggle seeing her dogs rush over to greet me.

"Hi you four~" I crouch down giving them pets as I look up at Moonbyul.

"Could you help me set up please? These four keep interrupting me"

I nod getting up, following her in.

"Of course I can. What did you need help with?"

"I am planning on us sitting in front of the couch, if I do a home livestream I do it from there so I thought it would be normal to do it like that"

I nod softly helping her clean up the lounge before the dogs can messy it any further. I play with the dogs, distracting them while Moonbyul sets up the coffee table for a livestream. When she is done I watch her read through the script.

Moonbyul starts alone.
Moonbyul act normal.
Saemi enters.

A very.. Simple script.

"So.. How should we do this?"

"Hm.. Well I'll start alone. You can sit behind the camera? I'll probably talk about my schedule. Then you can come in and we can reveal we are dating. After that.. We could respond to questions and comments after?"

I nod slightly, agreeing with her plan.

"Moonbyul.. What if they don't like me.?"

I look to her as she gently takes my hand, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

"If they didn't why are we doing this? Exactly, it will be fine so don't worry"

I sigh nervously as we get everything ready for the livestream. I sit on the other side of the coffee table as she sets up the camera. I stare at Moonbyul as she starts thd livestream, greeting fans as they make their way in. Oh god.. It's actually happening.. It hasn't felt all that really until now.. I gently hold my stomach as my anxiety starts to bubble up.

"Hi everyone~ Welcome~ how are you? I'm good, my schedule has been pretty busy lately.. I'm glad I have some time to talk with you moomoos.."

I watch as she talks with the fans, reading the chat sometimes.

"There is someone reflected in your glasses, is it your sister? No, it is not my sister"

I stare as Moonbyul giggles while reading the chat. Who are, I'm assuming, asking who else is here.

"Do you want to come on?"

I gulp nervously and I nod, getting up and sitting next to her.

"As you might know, This is Saemi, my girlfriend"

I blush at those words. I wave to the camera as Moonbyul rest her hand on my thigh.

This is it..


I stare at the screen as the chat instantly speed up, my heartbeat rising with it. My face heats up as Moonbyul places a gentle kiss on my cheek. A smile rests on my lips as the chat is flooded with positive messages.

"Now moomoos, we have to take good care of Saemi right?"

I giggle softly at her remark, resting my head on her shoulder.

"You two are the perfect couple, Wah.. Thank you~"

We are the perfect couple..?

Heya Moomoos~ I hope you  enjoyed this Chappie! Wah.. Saebyul finally revealed their 'relationship'. I wonder how well it is going to go.

Word Count: 1136

Follow The Script | A Moonbyul X Reader FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin