entertainment district.

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y/n pov:

"CAAWWWWWW Mission for y/n and tengen CAAWWWW a demon is causing trouble in the entertainment district, you must leave now. CAWWWWW!!!" i let the bird go, then get ready to go.

a/n: tengen doesn't know about you and shinobu at this time...and he doesn't (ish) know you.

tengen pov: 

'who is this y/n person. i hope that this person is flamboyant though.' 

"hi, you must be tengen right?" i hear a soft voice behind me, i turn around to see a very beautiful woman. "uhh, yeah, that's me, you must be y/n" she nods her head. "ok, so, the crow said we need to head to the entertainment district, there is no time to waste, lets go...i also fought you in once for yout hashira placement right?" she nods her head again.

 i nod my head and get cut off by 3 people. "Y/N TAKE US WITH YOUUUUUU!!!" I started to get mad at this kid until i hear y/n say something. "calm down zenitsu, i was going to get you, sheesh no need to panic a whole lot." the kid calms down, and we all go to the entertainment district.

y/n pov:

"the moon is very lovely tonight dont you think?" i was startled by his question 'is he indirectly flirting with me?' i think to myself as we are walking. "ok we are here" i say.  he looked a little discouraged that i didn't answer his question. "anyways, we have a little time to enjoy ourselves no?" they all nod their head, we all agree that tengen and i go together, while the other 3 do their undercover stuff.

*time skip a couple of months cause why not...also you at resturaunt with tengen

"hey y/n?" i turn my head towards tengen. "yes?" he hesitated a little then he got out of his chair, everyone looked in our direction to see what he was doing. "y/n... i've enjoyed these last couple months with you." i tilt my head in confusion. "y/n...i really, really like you...and i want to ask you something...will you marry me?" everyone stared at me waiting to hear my answer.






"look tengen... i've been spending time with you these past couple months, and honestly, you're just not my type, but i hope that dosn't mean we can't still be friends." i looked around and after i said that, everyone turned their heads back and continued in silence.

 "w-w-wh-what?" i saw tengen start tearing up. "look, tengen, i'm bi, also, i'm already in a relationship with another hashira."

 "who" he asks. "shinobu, that's who, and i don't care if you don't support, cause we have a mission to do, so come on, i already paid. he nods his head, and we leave.

tengen pov:

"y/n, were you being serious, you don't like me?" i ask her. "yes, it's true tengen i don't like you, i told you already, i'm with another hashira already." i nod my head as we continue walking.

y/n pov:

after half an hour of walking, we hear screaming, i turn my head in that direction and find the demon we were looking for. "UPPER 6? that's the demon we're after, ok."

time skips till after they chop off daki's head, and after gyutaro comes out, but before the final fight:

gyutaro was the first to attack, he slashed towards mny side, i dodged, but i felt a liquid go into my body, i shrugged it off and started attacking too. "wolf breathing first form, wolf claw." i slash my sword upwards 3 times, and on the 4th time i thrusted the claw forward.

he barely dodged it but right after he dodged it, i already activated my 5th form, so with extream speed, i ran up too him and kicked gyutaro out the room.

 daki looked at me in shock, "how can you kick someone with demon strength, and you're still a human?" i shake my head at her, and then i proceed to xhop her head off right after.

i run after gyutaro, he nitices me catching up and tryed to attack, i dodged and chopped his head off after like an hour of fighting, but as his head was fading he said somwthing. "that liquid you feel churning inside you, thats my blood, you can use my blood demon art now, good luck, you'll nee-" he got cut off when his mouth faded. i grabbed his scythe things and went on my way.


this is how i feel right now after spending like 2 months writing this chapterrrrrrrr

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this is how i feel right now after spending like 2 months writing this chapterrrrrrrr. see ya, until another month or two

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