Callie & Arizona

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Arizona was silent for the car ride back, other than the occasional grunts of agreement as Callie babbled about how lovely the bartender was. Was she actually blind? This bartender had clearly been flirting with her beautiful wife all night long. Arizona had been basically seething as she watched the undeniably hot bartender gaze under fluttering eyelashes at Callie, offering her free drinks, and laughing way too hard at Callie's jokes. Arizona had almost exploded with jealousy as the bartender reached out a slender tattoed hand to stroke Callie's arm teasingly. She had quite a mind to stride over there and take Callie right on the fucking bar, show that bartender who she belonged to. All of this, all of this blatant flirting, and Callie still hadn't realised! Arizona was honestly just desperate to make it home and cover her sexy wife in hickies, make her scream each syllable of her name out as she came undone, until there was absolutely no doubting exactly who Callie belonged to.

Arizona had been so caught up in her jealous (and horny) rage that she barely noticed they'd arrived at the flat. She stalked upstairs, dragging Callie along by a tight grip on her wrist.

Barely even inside the flat, Callie was pressed against the door, one hand pinned to the door above her head. Callie moaned into the kiss, surprised by, but definitely into, Arizona's aggression. She loved it when her wife was dominant, and knew playing into her possessive side was exactly how to unleash it. She grinned against Arizona's plump lips, pleased with herself for triggering Arizona's jealous side, knowing she was in for some great sex tonight.

"Mmm you are so fucking sexy Calliope" Arizona sighed into the kiss, caching Callie's bottom lip in her teeth, eliciting a loud whimper of pleasure from the brunette. "I'm so glad" Arizona was saying as she unbuttoned her wife's low-cut blouse with deft fingers, "that you", she slipped the blouse off Callie's shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, "belong to me".

Arizona maintained eye contact, brown eyes locked onto blue, as, with a wicked smile playing about her lips, she slowly leant in, before suddenly biting down, hard, on Callie's neck. Callie yelped, and squirmed awkwardly, the pain mixing deliciously with pleasure.

"But Calliope darling, I don't like sharing what's mine."

Feeling her breath hitch, Callie gazed up at Arizona under hooded eyes, eyes raking down her body, taking in every inch of the blonde's tight blue wrap-dress that left very little to the imagination.

"Don't you fucking dare flirt with another woman again - you are mine Calliope, mine."

These words were punctuated by Callie's sharp gasps and moans as Arizona left bite marks along her shoulders and up her neck.

Those little purrs of pleasure were making Arizona's initial anger at her wife subside; it was so fucking hard to stay mad at Callie when her cleavage was heaving like that, exposed chest glistening with sweat, head angled up, eyes fluttered shut. Moving down, Arizona licked a path between Callie's breasts, relishing in the salty taste of the beads of sweat collected there. Painstakingly slowly, she continued her path up the beautifully tanned chest and along the nape of her neck, eventually biting down softly on her ear lobe, causing Callie to squirm with pleasure.

Squeezing her legs together, Calliope groaned in anticipation. Arizona was killing her, teasing her like this. She would bet anything that she was fucking soaked through her panties at this point, her level of arousal was so impossibly high. In an attempt at subtlety, and hoping Arizona was too busy latched onto her neck to notice, Callie removed one arm from around her wife's waist, and lowered it towards where she needed attention.

Unfortunately for Callie, Arizona noticed Callie's attempts to relieve some of the pressure between her legs, and smirked once more, delighting in Callie's evident desperation, and the way she did this to her.

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