Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Once we are up to the front. "Alright Mikey there is general soes chicken, fried rice, white rice, lo main, chicken and broccoli. Does any of those options sound good to you?" I asked him

"Yeah! I want fried rice and chicken and broccoli!" He said happily

"Alright tell me when to stop" I said starting with the fried rice first. I got the spoon and started to scoop it up. I put some on the plate, Mikey wasn't saying anything. "Mikey. Want to me stop?" I asked then saw he was looking at someone. "Mikey! Hey you ok?" I asked him

"Uh......Yeah" He said with a smile

"You got a little crush?" I asked with a smirk

"No!" He said

"Don't worry Mike. I had a crush when I was younger too" I said

"I don't have a crush!" he said

"Fine..Just forget I said anything" I said. "Now wanna pay attention to the food?" I asked him

He looks at his plate. "Thats too much Eric!" He said

I chuckle and put some of the fried rice on my plate. "Better?" I asked showing him his plate again

"Yeah" He said with a smile

"Alright again tell me when. But actually pay attention this time" I said to him

"Alright....I will" He said smiling

I started to scoop out the chicken and broccoli I got a few pieces and Mikey told me stop

"Really? That's all?" I asked

"Yeah!" He said

"Alright. Well is there anything else you wanna try? Maybe in a different section?" I asked him

"Yeah I want fries!" He said

"Alright. Lets get you some fries" I said with a smile

We walked over to the America section. I got another plate because I can hold two at a time. I put a lot of fries on the plate

"Mikey you are going sharing these with me" I said to him

"Ok" He said smiling at me

"Love you Mike" I said rubbing his hand

"Love you two Eric!" He said smiling at me

See these are the times where I love having Mikey as a younger brother. I mean I always love him as my younger brother but what I mean is he doesn't have an attitude like James does. God James was so much cuter when he was younger.

We headed back to our big table. I sat down and Mikey sat next to me.

After everyone got their food we started to talk and eat. There was a message saying the training for a emergency  is gonna happen at 3pm. And it's 1:30 right now.

After we ate we all went around the ship trying to find places to hang. Arthur and Alex said that the Entourage is a cool place. So they said we all should do it. Like them, James and I since the ages are 13-17.

After the training for the emergency we all had to wait until 4 to sign up for the fun things.

Once my mom signed me and James up. The start of it is actually at 7. So we had 3 hours before the start of the first event.

I saw some cute girls in line but I mean the beautifulest girl in my eyes is Carley and it will always be Carley, no matter what.

Since the open house is until 6. James, Arthur, Alex and I go to the basketball court. It's a pretty big space. I mean there's some hoops around the whole area. So we got a basketball and started playing 2 and 2.

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now