"Yeah... it's true." He passed me a wicked smile.
"If you ever go to a singing reality show, you'll probably score minus two from the judges not even Zero." He clicked his tongue in pity.

Is he pitying me? For my voice?

Bloody bastard!!!

"And what about you? How much will you score?" I placed my hands on my hips before glaring at him.

He'll probably score ten on ten as I've seen him singing once.

He's an excellent singer.

Suddenly his demeanor changed as amusement was gone and sadness was filled.

Without answering, he turned around before walking out of the kitchen.

What is wrong with him?


It was already evening and I thought of reading a book. Harold was out and I was all alone inside the house.

I walked upto the book shelf and  checked the books he had in his book shelf.

Most of them were of business and some were of Sherlocks books, don't wanna read detective books.

There was no romantic books here. In such a big book shelf, there are only detective and business management books. I again thoroughly went through the books and found a yellow color old book, which was neither detectives nor business books. I pulled it out and read the title of the book.



Is he a parent to some kids?

Or is he having a secret kid?

Oh my gosh!!!!!

The book was very old, the pages were also pale yellow. But the question was...

Why he has a parenthood book? And that to the too old one.

He could have bought a new edition.

I flipped the pages and something from the book fell on the floor.

I bent down and took it from the floor.

It was a photo..

A photo of the female version of mighty Harold Kingston.

It was Helen Kingston, the former boss of the entire SDC estate and Harold's mother.

I've googled her once when I first joined the company, that was the first time I saw her in a photo.

Harold was just like her, she had the same blue glistening eyes with a light brown shiny hair, she was smiling happily. It was a young picture of hers. And she was extremely beautiful.

Goodness!!! Harold is just like her..

There were rumors about her kindness, according to everyone she was a very humble and a nice lady.

But sadly she died young.

She died in a fire accident. But there were rumors that she killed herself, she committed suicide by burning herself inside the fire litted house and if the rumors are true...then.....no one knows the reason behind her suicide. Suddenly there were storms of news about her death specifically about the fire accident that happened, the whole nation was on shock on losing one of the most wealthiest and humble entrepreneur of the states.

She died of accident when she was thirty eight, at that time Harold was just seventeen. I've just read them in news....don't know whether they're true or not. Harold took over the company at a very young age, he brought the company up, upto the next level of success, he has worked really hard for his company.

But I wonder if the rumors are true?

Did she really commit suicide or was it just an accident??

And if she has committed suicide.. what can the reason be behind her suicide?

Maybe at a young age Harold joined the mafia and when Helen Kingston got to know about her sons ill deeds.... she couldn't bear it and maybe that's the reason behind her suicide.

Don't know for sure... just wondering..

But to be honest,
No one deserves a son like Harold..


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