Chapter 20

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-Blaine Sam Brodriguez Point of View-

I got to school way earlier than my friends. I saw Rico was tapping the sticks on the drum. "Hi." I said and sat next to him. 

"You're early."

"Well, I got bored in my house so I decided to go here." I smiled. "Anyway, I've never asked you this but why did you like playing drums?"

He pushed his glasses at the bridge of his nose. "My brother used to play one. I came with him in his gigs in Manila." His face seemed to glow when he talks about his brother. 

"Where is he now?"

There was sadness in his face. He was silent for a few seconds. "He died in a car accident 3 years ago."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"

"No, it's fine." He smiled wistfully. Rico pulled something from his t-shirt. A Cross necklace. "He gave it to me when I was 10. Said that this is my lucky charm and it would remind me of how he was taking care of me. I want to be like him, that caring guy."

"Did he teach you how to drum?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Wanna practice with me?"

"Sure. What are you going to play?"

"Heart Can't Lose by Zack Tabudlo. We're going to play it after She's All I wanna be."

"Okay." I said. "Let's begin then."

"~I hated love but then I met you~" We both started singing.

"~What the hell did you to me?
I'm feeling love again
I can't believe that. I broke the promise to myself
That I won't fall again~" I sang this part 

"My heart is a fool

And I don't wanna lose
But it keeps doing the things you want it to do
It's hard to admit that I'm in love with you
I want you but my heart can't lose"

I was staring at him as he sang his part. "You have a nice singing voice." He said to me. "Are you a fan of Zack Tabudlo?"

"I listened to his songs. It's comforting."

"That's good."

"Is it true that you have really moved on from your ex?" I asked.

He nodded. 

"Then what kind of person do you like?"

"Smart ones? Beautiful ones? Or  Cute ones? Weird one?" Then he kept shaking his head at every question. "That's almost every kind, Rico."

Rico and I chuckled. "I think I must really like someone who matches with my personality. And it's strange that the one I like is..."

"Blaine! Rico!"

We were interrupted by Aisha and Kiko. "You guys! What are you doing here?"

"Um, he's practicing." I replied.


I agreed to be with Nirko in the tent. Annalyn, Krissy, Aisha and I were at the mall now. We were buying groceries. "Hey, it's better to have coke in a can later," Annalyn said

"Alright, what else, hmmm? Let's just buy Cheessy" I took the chip.

"Guys, maybe we should have a bonefire" thought Nirko."Yes, it's better with marshmallows,"

"so let's buy marshmallows for later" said Aisha.

"How did you know that your family and Kenneth's family know each other?" Annalyn asked.

The Disastrous Love life of Blaine Brodriguez (TOTB Book 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now