Chapter 15

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" 9-Charity, this is where you will get to the food court" Sir Ballesteros pointed to the path and we walked there when suddenly Rico appeared by my side

 "Oy." he called me.
 "Can I sit next to you later?"

"What?! I don't want to. We might get scolded again."
 "Come on." He pouted.

 "Well, someone looks worried about his appearance." I said as he was brushing up his hair in the glass door.  "I don't need to anymore. I'm already hot!"

 I made a face and we proceeded to the entrance to the food court. We were on a stampede at the entrance, considering there were at least a 300 high school population in Greenfield.

"Hurry up, B!"Rico held my arm tightly as we pushed ourselves into the crowd.

"Thank you." I was breathing. "It's good that we got in" 

The others out there suffered from the heat.

Then suddenly the lights in the mall went off. Rico and I stumbled at the end due to the panic of the students. "BLACK OUT!" Somewhere in the crowd, Aisha joked in her gay voice.

 I could hear Rico's breathing. My hands were on his chest. "If you wanted to touch my boobs. You could've asked."
I scolded him as I removed my hands. I could feel him smiling at me in the dark.

"And I can't move more! Someone is pinning me towards you!"

 "Are you trying to hit on me?"

 "Excuse me, four eyes, do I look like I'm interested in you?"

 "I know you want me."He had that seductive voice that I had just heard before.

 I stilled. No. No. No more gay panic!

I slapped him. "I offered you my boobs, but you slapped my cheek!"

 Suddenly, the lights in the mall turned on again, I turned around and saw my classmates. But Aisha, Krissy, Annalyn and Liz caught me.

They smiled at me. I pushed myself away."Come on!" I dragged Rico out of the crowd.

 "All Grade 9 students. Please proceed in Cinema 7" we went inside cinema 7. The arrangement was by section but we were taking  the front seat. With the big screen size. People on screen will be like Titans.

"Kiko, is someone sitting there?" Edgar asked.

 "No" he ran to you immediately and sat next to me and next to kiko. To my right was Rico.

When I went outside to buy a popcorn. I saw Liz and Eddie arguing again. Once they were done, I stepped back and hid in the comfort room.

 I counted to ten. When I opened it, Liz was the only one left in there. She tucked her hair and went to the popcorn stall.

 "Where are you sitting?" She  asked as she saw me approacher the stall.

 "At the middle." I answered.  I turned to the cashier "uhm... how much is the popcorn?"
 "60 pesos sir"

"Liz, you really need to break up with him."

"What? Are you being ridiculous? No We just,uh, we just had a fight. That's all."

"But you guys fight all the time. Aren't you sick of it? Of how he treats you?"

"That's none of your business, B." She muttered and left after she took her order. 

Then someone appeared at my side. It was Nirko. "My treat." he  said ang took the popcorn. "For the company last time."

 "You know you are crazy too."Nirko just laughed. "Well, I wanna get to know you better, Blaine Brodriguez."

As soon as we were walking back to the cinema, Nirko asked. "What's that all about?"

"I told Liz she should break up with Eddie. Their relationship isn't healthy anymore."

"I notice that. I saw them once arguing in Jollibee. Gee, people really do stay in toxic relationship because they want to fill the void of their needs."

"Looks like you've been eating psych textbooks."

"Well..."He chuckled. "I have. But Blaine, I want you to not interfer their relationship. You'll get hurt."


After the film, we went to the national bookstore to see the hunger games trilogy was available.

"where is that?" I asked.

 "Where is what?" Krissy asked me.
The three of them and Annalyn just looked at me"Maybe it's just there" Annalyn saidthe book I was looking for was 'Hunger Games'

"At last!" I saw that there was only one available. Trilogy yet. I have a credit card.

So, it was not a problem for me.

 When we got out of National Bookstore, suddenly someone bumped into me, and the book I bought was thrown."Don't come near me or even my girlfriend!"

 My knees and arms hurt. Fortunately it's not my head. Am I a ball or something? "Huh?" I was surprised when someone punched Eddie.

It was Kenneth who punched him."Eddie!" Liz ran to him.

"Don't get involved in something that isn't your problem!" Eddie warned Kenneth.

 Rico, Annalyn and Krissy helped me up. While Nirko picked up the books."Why did you punch Blaine?!"

 The five of us just watched their drama. "I said stay away from your worthless friends! Especially Blaine!"

 "What now?!" Liz shouted

 "LET'S BREAK UP THEN!" Eddie shouted.

 "Hey Eddie, it seems like you're not doing well anymore," said Nirko.

 "What do you want?!" Nirko was silenced. W were watching Liz crying in Krissy's chest.

"Hey Eddie! Don't be like that! You're not handsome! You're fat!" Rico insulted.

 "YOU TOO?!" he said angrily.

Eddie pushed Rico. "Hey! You're stupid. You're also hurting your friend?" I raised my voice, he suddenly became silent and walked out angrily."Rico, are you ok?" I asked.

 "Yes" he answered"Well guys all I can say is...that Eddie doesn't really have a good attitude."

 Kenneth shrugged.Then, I almost fell again when Liz pulled me near the stairs. "Why do you have to let me break up with him?"

 "That's a few nice words, Liz."

 "Yeah? Nice boyfriends."

 "They're not my boyfriends." I whispered. "What do you think you're doing? This isn't yourself, Liz! We're getting  hurt by what you're doing to us!"

"I do not care!" That felt like a knife had been pierced through my heart. "What do you think you're doing too? Find out what stupid things my cousin is doing? Are you okay?"

 "Are you? We care about you, Liz. Eddie is corrupting your thoughts! This isn't you!"

 "Oh, that's it?" Liz scolded. "You're jealous because I have a boyfriend and you don't?"

 "That's not it!" I raised my voice. "Do you even remember he cheated on you with Yzza? Can't you see what he's doing to you?"

 "Oh my God, Blaine! I've forgiven him!"

 "Well, none of this relationship of yours is ever truly romantic! He's only using you because he can't accept how ugly he is!"And I didn't see that coming. Her slap was painful enough to make my cheeks throbbed and tears came out of my eyes.

 "And do you think someone likes you? All the people in your life? They'll drop you the minute you don't have something to satisfy them!"

"So are you, aren't you." I said weakly. I sniffed. "Are you any different? At least with them, I got to be better. I feel free. I don't have to spend my time trying to fix things with you and you make yourself better by hurting me. How can you be even that psychologically healthy. You're not even close." She was surprised by what I said.

"Take that back."


 "I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Blaine." Liz sneered. "If you want our friendship back. Do as I say."
More tears had come. "You're a terrible friend."

I was walking back, and I ran. I heard Rico and Nirko called my name but I didn't stop running. The air conditioning was sharp. My tears are cold. When I got out of the parking lot, I stopped.I was sobbing hard and no one in my vicinity to comfort me.

 Then I was surprised when someone handed me a handkerchief."Do not cry." Kenneth sat beside me on the parking lot's sidewalk. "Forget about them."

The Disastrous Love life of Blaine Rodriguez (TOTB Book 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now