Chapter 9

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2 months later

I just got dressed this morning for the first day, now everything was changing in me.

Everything was different, my bag, my shoes and my hair are dark brown,

When I got off  the car, Liz texted me

 [where are you? I'm already at the front gate]

 [here] I replied.

 "Liz!" I waved at her. Liz and I went inside together and suddenly Liz's useless boyfriend appeared"Woah! Blaine! is that you?!!!"

The cheating issue between them was over but I still can't believe that Liz returned to him. Maybe I'm just hoping for nothing. Liz hasn't changed either. She became a dictator. Everything he wants must be followed."Yes! Is there a problem?" I said.

I immediately walked to the list where the list of section was. I was walking and suddenly a familiar voice shouted "Blaine!!"

 I turned around "Aisha!"

"How are you!"

"Never been better."

"wow, you've changed Blaine. You look even more refine" I turned to see Kiko.

"And he's still gay" teased Aisha

Will Kenneth recognize me? wait where is that? why isn't he there yet?we walked a bit to the lists. My classmates were Rico, Kiko and Edgar. I haven't spoken to Rico all summer. I was in Bonifacio Global City the entire vacation to take care of the family business. 

After a few minutes, we went to our classroom. We immediately saw our teacher, Edgar and Kiko were talking to him because He was also an adviser to Boys Scout. 

 Sir Ballesteros.

These two were in Boys Scout since Grade 7.

 "Hey, best friend!" Suddenly someone walked up to me. It was Rico.

"We're not best friends!"

 He laughed. "Don't you miss me?"

 "Who will miss you?" He followed me to the empty seat.

 "So this is our classroom," said Rico.
He sat by my side."'s good that we're in the same class"

 "Yes, I don't want to be left out of place. I'm your lucky charm." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You wished."

"What time is it?" I asked.

 "Don't you have eyes?" Rico pointed at the wall clock. I looked at the time. It was almost 7. 

 I jumped out of my chair when suddenly someone texted me. I opened my cellphone and looked to see who texted. It was just Liz. She was in the different section with Annalyn. Every school year, the faculty members were the ones who organized each student and which section they'll be. 

There are six in total; Humility, Simplicity, Peace, Charity, Faith, and seas. The special science class.

 [Blaine! there's a handsome boy in here!]-liz

 [oh who?]-me

[ he's tall and handsome. Wish you're here to see him.]-liz

 [yeah! I wish he was here! >_<]-me


 "You will only come back here around 10:20am for orientation again," said Sir Ballesteros. My other classmates had already left while I was arranging my things.

Liz was outside.

"Hi..Blaine. How are you?" Krissy said. Our new friend.

"I'm good. You?"

She hefted her hand to know that she was reading harry potter. 

"Which hogwarts house you belong?" I asked her.



 Annalyn also came out of their classroom. We were talking about the new student for about three minutes. I stopped laughing because I saw Kenneth. He made eye contact with me.

That afternoon, I hang out with Jian at the canteen. We were eating chips and orange juice. "Blaine I have something to say" He began.

 "Mr. Brodriguez. How nice to see you again on campus." Someone. No, not someone. It was Ms. Gutierrez. Now the fight that broke and spread through the entire campus last year was over, 3rd year was my year to start over.

 "You too, Miss."

"How are you? I hope you're doing well." She smiled sarcastically. Oh, the bitch wasn't over with me! "I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those months of trauma and catholic oppression in this school. Must be tough."

 "It is." I dared to smile the same smile she was wearing in her brighgt-ass face.

 "But I'm not your teacher anymore. So, you have no right to harrass me."

 "Oh my God, you call this harassment?"

 "And you call this what? Depreciating your insecurities to the child that was once a sperm in Marlon's scrotum?"Her jaw dropped.

"The next time, I'll see you crusading at lunch because there's no leg part. You'll land in the vice principal's office."

 "If" I noted."You will catch me."

 She groaned and headed back to her classroom.

"You should really challenge Ms. Guiterez." Jian said with a smile."Expressing my right is not a terrorist act."

 "The point is, I've heard a lot that your aura is changing."

Maybe  people saw my IG stories while I was having a vacation in BGC.

 "You're not the boy they used to know. People look at you now, you're becoming a..."

 "Henious Bitch?"

 "The term 'BGC Boy', is what you are now."

 "Whatever." I said. "What were you going to tell me?"

"I saw Denver earlier with his best friend. Denver was looking for someone, so he approached a bot who looked like you."

 I immediately furrowed my brow. "What?"

"Maybe he thought it was you"

 "Huh? Where did you see him earlier?" I asked.

 "In the hallway." He said dreamily. He was so crazy in love with this Denver. 

The Disastrous Love life of Blaine Rodriguez (TOTB Book 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now