Chapter 17

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"Happy Birthday mom" I greeted mom happy birthday. Today was her birthday and I'm leaving the house. Around 5:30 I left to buy coffee at a 24 hour coffee shop outside the house. Later he said we were going to a restaurant so I got excited

"Thank you, honey." she said.

 "Where are we going later?"

 "In Tatoys, the one near the Villa beach"

 "Alright, ma ba-bye I still have a lot to do at school" I said and immediately left the house.I was in the coffee shop and I noticed someone was there. "Blaine!"

 "Rico? Why are you in here?"

He rubbed his eyes."Let's go to school together."

"Wait, how did you know where I lived?"

 "What? You're living here?" He brightened. "Alright! I have a companion when I want to have a coffee here!

But I had a feeling he was covering his true emotions. Looks like he didn't sleep. So I sat across from him and asked. "Are you okay?"

 "Sure! Of course. What do you want to order?"

 "Don't change the subject. What happened to you? Did you take a shower?"

 "Huh? Yes, do you think I smell good all the time?" His smile was fading.

I waited for him. "My parents fought. Well, I didn't know they were fighting. So when I came in, I surprised them that I gor an award in our mat class. But they poured their anger on me. They said I'm never gonna be like my cousin."

 Yes Rico received an award from our math teacher yesterday. His perfect scores were consistent the whole 1st quarter."Why?"

"It's like...a competition for me." He took a deep breath. "My whole life feels like a competition."

"You are their son."

"But my cousin seems to be more like their son!"

 "Hey..." I put my hand over his fist. "It's alright. I'm here to listen."

"I worked so hard and, I'm still not enough." Rico said. "God, being a teenager sucks."

Then he smiled and he forced back those tears not to fall. "Come on. Let's have coffee and go to school together." I stood and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you Blaine. You saved at least a part of me."

 I was patting his shoulder. "What do you really want?"

There was hope in his eyes. "To be happy."


The Accqauntance Party will be held at the school grounds. We just bought snacks because we were hungry. It was a  color coded party.


The program had a Ms. Accquantance Party for the whole 4 hours.  When they announce who won, I don't care because it was boring. So I thought of taking a solo picture. Then finally, the disco had finally started."Greenfield Academy, are you ready!! Dj Zen is here!" the dj was hired by our president council. "Are you ready to party!!!!"

 "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooh!""Come on guys!" I shouted, we all ran to the dancefloor "Go Juniors!!!" I shouted. 

The Rocketeers and I walked in the middle of the guadrangle. Aisha was waving to some her fans, Annalyn and Krissy were laughing. Edgar and Kiko were looking around. But mostly, some people had to stop what they were doing and were staring at us. 

Damn right. 

Then I locked eyes with Rico. I immediately looked away. "Why did you look away?" asked Aisha. 

We were already at the dance floor. 

"Speaking of your boyfriend, he's behind you." She giggled and pushed me towards Rico.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I mouthed back at Aisha.

"Hey blaine dance! this is awesome!" Rico spun me around. "Kenneth! come here! Can you join blaine here?"

Then Kenneth faced me"Come on?" Kenneth laughed.

 "alright" he held my hand while I was dancing I was so happy because he was with me tonight.

We planned to hold hands so we became the Rocketeers in a circle form."ONE TWO THREE GO AROUND!" shouted Edgar.

I let go and fell inside the circle.I was about to leave but he grabbed my arm. I immediately turned aroundAre you serious KENNETH CHAD JAVIER?!

After that, I rest at the corridor. I finished drinking the water bottle.

 "Blaine!" I turned around and saw Jian

"Hey! Jian come!"But suddenly I felt pain in my face. I just saw that Jian raised his fist. "Jian! Wait! Why did you do that?!"

 Denver pulled him up and someone punched him in the face.

"Don't come near him!"

 "Mother--!" Denver was clutching his nose.

"Why do you keep on prying Denver's life?" Jian threatened.

 "Huh? What are you talking about?"

 Liz and Eddie showed up. People ignored us because they were enjoying the party. "Jian, come on. Don't bother Blaine anymore." said Liz.

 "No! I had to defend Denver! You're such a creep! Why can't you be normal?"

 "You're the one who likes Denver." Rico was suddenly on my side.

 Denver looked at Jian. Its face was red. After a second of silence. Eddie turned to me. "It's your fault! Liz got involved because of you!"

"You're making a lame excuse, so you can rub yourself with Liz more often in hopes of distracting yourself from the pathetic ugliness life you have." I said angrily.

 I almost got punched again but Kenneth blocked it. He swiftly slid his own fist and it hit Eddie's face.

 Kenneth tackled him down while Rico was fighting Denver.

Jian pushed me against the basketball court's shooting ring. "That's enough!" Liz shouted.

She was confused about whom she was going to stop.  The other students were watching our rumble.

 "Blaine!" Aisha was rushing towards me but she hit the floor. Kiko grabbed Jian's shirt and he fell off.

Everybody's a mess! I stood up and looked at the mess. Oh no! We are so screwed!

The Disastrous Love life of Blaine Rodriguez (TOTB Book 1) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora