Chapter 6

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"Let's go to the ice cream shop" said Annalyn.

 "Is there we could eat aside from ice cream?" I asked, wandering my eyes around the food stalls."Hey, that's Jericho," Annalyn pointed out.


 "There." She pointed at Jericho's figure at the photobooth.

I strolled over there and said hi to Jericho. "Jericho, hey."

"Oh, Blaine. How are you?" It had been two hours since the incident."It's okay. Thank you for what you and Kenneth did. Even though you don't know me that well."

 Jericho smiled. "No worries! From now on we are friends."


 "You do not want?"


 "And why did you call me Rico?" He asked.

"Nobody calls me that. Mostly Jer or Echo."

"N-Nothing! I just slipped!" I said panicking and turning pale. "I don't know. It's beautiful. Something about your handsomeness."

 Suddenly his face towards me. "So, you consider that I'm handsome?"

 "Eh? No!" I pushed him and he was still laughing.

His smile was like a sudden beam of light, illuminating the darkest corners of my mind. "Don't tell me, I'm your type"

 "You? No!"

 "Who is your type then? Kenneth?"Wow! Would he even find out about me having a crush on his best friend? Hope not!

"No! Who are you waiting here for? Your girlfriend?"

 "I don't have a girlfriend."

"You're kidding, right? You're handsome, I almost fell for you when I first saw you." I joked.

 But this guy took it too far. He adjusts his glasses. "Really? So, you agree that I'm handsome?" His face was getting closer.

"Hey!" I pushed him. "Don't come near me!"

 "Guys, what do you want?" Jericho asked when we walked back to Annalyn and Jian.

 "Oh why? You want to treat us?" asked Annalyn.

 "Yep ^_^" Jericho answered in a nice way.

 "Aw. okay thank you, Jer." Annalyn said

 "Thank you too" I said



When Jericho and I separated. We suddenly saw Ms. Gutierrez. "Oh hell no!"

I pulled Jericho and we hid behind a statue of a saint.

"Ms. Guiterez!"

 "Why do you want us to hide?"

 "I don't want to see  her!" I whispered.

 "Why are you whispering?" Jericho replied. I immediately covered his mouth when I heard footsteps.

"What are you doing there?" Jericho and I turned around slowly. Aisha?!


 "Oh, Blaine. I didn't know you and Jericho had intimate moments."I don't know what to say or react.

"Huh, no. We don't." 

  "You're still in denial." Rico started to tease me. He looked at her.  "Well, I'm special in Blaine's life." He winked at me. And because of that, I punched him.


 "What the hell are you doing? You deserved it." We both stood up.

 "Just relax, I'm just kidding."

 I asked Aisha where Ms. Gutierrez."I saw her at the canteen."

I sighed. "Good."
 "Alright, I'll have lunch first." Aisha left, going to the canteen.

 I turned around and gave an annoyed look at Rico. This is my crush's best friend and we don't even know each other that well, then he's going to put his face close to mine? WTF?

 "Hey, Blaine. Wait a minute. Where are you going?"

We reached the corridors when he pulled my hand. "Let go!"

 "I'm just kidding. Come on, dude." He pouted. "I'm sorry."

 I suddenly turned around and walked away from Rico.

When I came to the room, he still didn't halt to annoy me."Wooohhh! I really enjoyed the booths!" Annalyn said happily.

 "Me too!" Jian replied.

 "The mangoes at the booth was delicious!" while Annalyn finishing one mango.

 "hmmm, our friend seems to enjoy it too." Jian teased.

 "Did you enjoy it? I'm tired of thinking of what Ms. Guiterez did, so I'm not well yet." And I looked at Rico. "And you, sho!" 

He scratched his head. 

"yeah! It's good that he has moved on from what happened earlier!" Rico said to Jian.

 "Blaine, come here" Annalyn invited me and Rico. We came along at the corner of the room.

 "what's up?"

 "We'll put foundation on you" said Annalyn.

 "What?!" My eyes widened and I panicked because I had no experience with make up.

 "You are so haggard, you need to look beautiful!" They complained. But I think it's a way for me to get rid of that intense confrontation from my head once and for all.

 "hahahahah just a moment Blaine I'll be back" Annalyn knew."Just wait!"

Annalyn didn't look back at me, she went straight outside and I turned to Rico. "This is insane."

He did it again. He leaned in and put his index finger under my chin. "You really look tired."

"Hands off, please!"

Rico laughed and called out for Annalyn. 

After 30 minutes. It took a long time. Maybe I look like a clown here.

"Wow! who destroyed you?" Edgar asked as he arrived at the door.

When I turned to the mirror. My eyes widened "Who is this?" I asked.

"That's you!" Jian said.

 "Who are you? Blaine, is that you?" I turned around when I heard Yzza's voice.

 "so what can you say to our creation, Jericho?" Annalyn turned to Rico.

 "Damn! He's so handsome." he was stuck in the moment. I couldn't help but blush.

 "Girl, you're beautiful!" I heard Jian say.

"Woaah! blaine! you look different!" Kiko and Franco passed by.

 "nyee! he looks the same" Franco teased.

 "You're just bitter bleeh!" I stuck my tongue out.

I asked Rico if the look was okay when we were outside the room.

Rico turned to me and smiled. "This look suits you."

"Having a foundation in my face?"

"No." He said. "Your smile. You're happy. I like it."

I had to blinked twice at him. And I felt my cheeks were turning red.

The Disastrous Love life of Blaine Rodriguez (TOTB Book 1) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now