Chapter 22: Full Moon

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Forewarning: Sexual content in this chapter

I cleared my throat awkwardly, bouncing my leg where I sat on my bed. Derek was sitting next to me, fists clenched tightly at his sides. We'd barely been able to separate ourselves to eat dinner, but somehow managed. Both of us had scarfed down the food without tasting it, anticipating what was coming next. But my nerves had returned in full force now, churning my stomach and making my already hyperactive tendencies far worse. Scott would think I was absolutely insane if he knew what I'd agreed to. I wonder if I should have maybe told him... but too late now.

My throat clearing seemed to break Derek out of his Broody McBrood land. He exhaled harshly, and I watched his jaw tighten as he gritted his teeth. His eyes closed for a moment as he took a deep breath, slowly opening again as he forced his hands to relax.

He turned to me now, his eyes their icy, werewolf blue.

It was time then.

Neither one of us said a word, communicating through our gazes. I wanted to kiss those expressive eyebrows that always said exactly what Derek wanted them to. Derek inched forward, resting a hand on my thigh. I swallowed thickly as he brought his face closer, kissing my cheek gently as if to let me know that he was in control. Which I did appreciate. He bumped his nose with mine, breathing heavily.

"Stiles, you need to tell me if I'm hurting you," Derek whispered against my lips. I nodded silently, but it wasn't enough. "Even a little. Tell me you understand." His glowing blue eyes were staring into mine, as if he could see into the very depths of my soul. It was unsettling and made me shiver.

"I understand," I answered in a small voice, swallowing thickly before leaning my head back to bare my neck to him.

Derek sucked in a sharp breath at the action, and I smirked through the nerves. All that research seemed to be paying off. I knew what submission looked like for werewolves, and what it meant to them. Especially in the... bedroom.

He swore and was on me a second later, his sharp fangs grazing my neck. And god if that wasn't the most dangerous, most erotic feeling ever. A high whine escaped me, and a grumble sounded from deep inside Derek's chest. The werewolf slid his free hand to the back of my neck, cupping it while his thumb stroked my skin soothingly. He let his fangs graze my throat again before he laid a hot kiss on the sensitive skin there.

"Fuck," I cursed, blood quickly rushing its way to my crotch. Alright, it's clear I've got a thing for being touched on my neck.

The hand Derek still had on my thigh squeezed me gently, and my dick twitched in my jeans. All the nerves seemed to disappear the instant he brought his lips to mine. His mouth was hot on mine, but gentle just like it had been the other times he'd kissed me. He seemed conscious of his dangerously pointed K9's, which scraped against my lips in the most delicious way. Something surged up within me at the fact that he could be so in control of himself despite being very much out of control of himself. God, he wasn't just physically strong... the mental strength it would take to do what he was doing... It was fucking hot is what it was.

My own control broke.

I swung my leg over him, settling myself in his lap and tangling my fingers in his soft, raven hair. I took control of the kiss, hungrily chasing his lips, his tongue, his taste. I swallowed his groan as his large hands moved to hold my hips, which were rocking into his, desperate for any sort of friction. Derek's arms moved to wrap around me, pulling me flush against his muscle hardened torso. The sudden movement made us both break the kiss to moan, our mutual hard ons rubbing against each other through the fabric of our pants.

Tall, Dark and Handsome meets Almost Tall, Fair-Skinned and Sarcasm {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now