Chapter 20: No running

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"Stiles, calm down," Derek warned, looking at my chest in alarm. He must hear the heart attack I'm currently experiencing.

"Calm- calm down?!" I demanded with a hysterical laugh, rising from the bed myself as I paced with an aggressive hand in my hair.

"I know you're afraid of me," he said, and I could hear the underlying hurt even though he tried to hide it. "But Stiles, I- I swear that I won't hurt you." He sounded so... determined. So, sure. The thought warmed my chest and calmed my heartbeat a little.

I stopped my pacing, turning to look at him as my thoughts continued to spiral.

"I'm not afraid of you," I said with an eye roll, and I watched his eyebrows rise in surprise when he didn't hear a lie. "I'm a friggen virgin Derek! I'm just- I'm just a little freaked out about losing my virginity on a full moon with a werewolf that's not in control. I mean- I might be into the whole getting thrown around thing... but I don't have a pain kink! And what if... if we are- mates. If we... if you... if we- you know- wouldn't that mean..." I trailed off here, taking a heavy breath in as I met his green eyes again. My face was hot with the blush I couldn't help.

Derek's eyes softened, but his face hardened. How the hell did he manage that? But the contradiction was so very Derek. He rose from his seat suddenly, fists clenched at his sides.

"If I start driving now, and don't stop... I could get 11 hours away," he said with determination.

"That's a bandaid solution and you know it," I scoffed exasperatedly.

"It's less risky than the alternative," he argued, opening the door and heading down the stairs quickly.

I scrambled after him desperately. I was getting the hang of this not letting him run away from his emotions thing.

"Don't be ridiculous! What vehicle are you going to take? I love Roscoe, but I doubt my baby would make it 11 hours straight. And come on Derek, wouldn't figuring this out properly be a better idea? There's a full moon once a month, this problem isn't just going to go away!" I tried to reason with him, my voice growing louder and louder. I was ignored.

His hand landed on the handle of the front door, and I threw my body in front of him the same as he had done not even an hour before.

"I won't let you leave," I said stubbornly, inches from his face.

"And what makes you think you could stop me?" He challenged dangerously. I didn't miss his eyes flickering down to my lips momentarily.

"You won't hurt me, you said so yourself," I responded as evenly as possible with all of his dangerous, godliness staring me straight in the face. But I believed it, and stood my ground.

Derek's eyes softened again, and he leaned forward into my personal space. He inhaled slowly, his eyes sliding shut and a groan building in his throat.

"You're right, I couldn't hurt you," he admitted in a whisper that sent shivers across my skin. His nose bumped mine and I whined quietly at his closeness. "Even if you are by far the most infuriating person I've ever met."

"Stay. We'll figure this out, together," I gulped, growing increasingly more aware of just how near he was and just how temped I was to lean forward and kiss him. Snap out of it, Stilinski.

The wolf leaned even closer, and I stiffened as he ghosted his lips across my throat and he took one more deep breath in. As if reminding himself of why he needed to stay in control. At least... I hoped that was what he was doing.

"What are we going to do, Stiles?" He whispered uncertainly, coming back up for air and letting his forehead fall against mine.

I sucked in a breath, leaning against him and feeling my eyes flutter closed. God I liked being this close to him. My heart was in my throat, and there was a pleasant buzzing sensation beneath my skin as I considered the only option there was.

Tall, Dark and Handsome meets Almost Tall, Fair-Skinned and Sarcasm {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now