Chapter 12: Dummy trail

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"What are we doing again?" Scott asked for the 8th time in the past two hours since I'd come up with the plan we were currently conducting.

I was ready to throw something at him. Anything. A stick, a rock.

"Is he always like this?" Derek whispered much too close to my ear. My body shivered without my permission before I could answer.

"Mostly- yes," I answered honestly, before addressing my idiot best friend. "For the love of god, Scott- how many times do I have to tell you? We're-," I broke off suddenly because Derek's large hand was over my mouth and his body was crushing mine into a tree.

As I met the werewolf's blue eyes, I hoped Scott had the good sense to be using his wolfy powers and had heard whatever Derek did too. I had learned not to question it at this point. If he or Scott wanted me quiet, it's because of something I couldn't hear. Mostly. I stayed as still and quiet as possible. Even if my curiosity was burning beneath my skin as I wondered what they had heard and where it had come from. Derek seemed to sense it, because he moved his eyes to the left to show me the direction. All I could hear for the next few minutes was silence, and Derek finally thought it safe to release my mouth. Maybe he's starting to trust me a little more.

The idea made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, and I did my best to stomp it down.

"Which way did they go?!" I heard suddenly, and my body tensed against Derek's more so than it already had. The hunters were quiet, thats for sure. I hadn't heard a sound until they spoke. Maybe it would be harder to ditch them than I thought.

The werewolf's hand moved to hold my hip in place, and his thumb rubbed soothing circles into the fabric over my waist.

I know it was supposed to be a calming gesture, but it just sent my pulse into over drive and my eyes snapping towards his face. Which he definitely heard, because he smirked down at me for a moment.

"What are they even doing out here?" The voices were closer now.

"Probably meeting up with the dog," a female voice sneered.

Now it was Derek's turn to tense against me. It must be Kate Argent. I was once again reminded that I wanted to figure out what connected the two, and what made Derek hate her so much- besides the fact that she's a hunter. I subtly moved my hand to the back of his shoulder, squeezing hard to try and distract him. We were practically embracing at this point, but I put that observation out of my mind for now. His eyes flicked back to my face, and his expression was both pained and angry. It was only there for a second, and then it was gone.

"They can't have gotten far," a male voice said, and they were clearly moving away from us based on the level of his voice.

I wanted to do a triumphant little dance because so far- my plan was working. The whole idea was for Scott and I to be followed, as if we were going to meet Derek in the woods. Then we would lose them in here and escape back to my house. Let them think he was hiding out here somewhere and search till their hearts content.

Derek had refused to let us go without him. Despite the fact that it was way more dangerous for him to come along and be caught... but the mans stubborn if nothing else.

I looked back at the aforementioned werewolf, asking with my eyes if it was safe. He shook his head subtly, which made me roll my eyes. He was being over cautious. But- he did know hunter tactics better than we did. And apparently- he knew Kate Argent personally. So it was just best to listen to the guy I suppose.

The next few minutes we listened with bated breaths for any sign of their return. Derek's thumb was still unconsciously moving back and forth on my hip, and my hand was still hanging on to his back. I bit my lip and tried to think of anything else other than the man in front of me as our air mixed and mingled between us and he licked his lips while he concentrated. God- his wet, perfect lips, his red, hot tongue...

Tall, Dark and Handsome meets Almost Tall, Fair-Skinned and Sarcasm {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now