Chapter 9: Undesirable number two

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Derek's eyebrows might as well have evaporated, that's how high they rose.

"Okay," was all he said.

"Wait- what?" I demanded incredulously, my eyes getting even wider. "No- no argument? No 'I would rather die than stay with you Stiles'? No accusations about me wanting to see more of you or something stupid? No- no broodiness or eyebrows? Just- okay?!"

He simply nodded, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"It'll be easier for me to protect you," he said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Again with the jaw hitting the floor thing.

"Pro... protect- me?" I asked stupidly.

He sighed heavily. "Yes Stiles," he responded slowly, as if he was talking to a child.

"And- Ahem- why would you need to protect me exactly?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

Since when has Derek ever been concerned about my safety? Since never!

"Because the hunters now think you're associated with werewolves... because of me," he explained through his teeth. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me, himself, or the hunters. Probably the first one.

"I've got Scott," I shrugged.

And then regretted it. Maybe he needed to feel needed. Why am I even trying to talk him out of staying with me anyway? I'm the one who came up with the idea! Plus, if he was hiding out in my room, I could ogle him as much as I wanted to. Oh god. The very idea of Derek being in my house every waking moment was mildly disturbing... in the hormonal teenager sense. I already couldn't control myself around him, and that was with breathers. What if there were no breathers? Would I do something completely reckless?

Derek was watching our surroundings carefully, likely looking out and listening for any lingering hunters that Scott may have missed.

"I can stay in the woods," Derek said quietly. "I can keep you safe from there."

And something in his voice broke me a little bit. As if he was used to being alone, used to feeling isolated and like he doesn't belong.

"Stop being so dramatic," I scoffed. "You'll stay with me."

I finished the sentence just as we got to the front door of my house, thankfully there was no cruiser in the driveway. Scott yanked the door open before pulling me in by the scruff of my neck and crushing me into a hug.

"You're okay," he sighed in relief where he had his nose buried in my neck. I squeezed him back, feeling my own relief.

"No thanks to you," I smiled. "Thank god for brother telepathy," I laughed.

Scott chuckled and released me. "Yeah- I'm pretty sure only I or the sheriff could have deciphered that text message."

Derek shut the door, locked it and stood casually in the entrance way.

Scott raised a brow at me. "So he's staying with you?" Ahh- he heard me.

"Yup," I said, popping the p. "Couldn't let him hole up in the woods like some crazy person."

A silent stare off then ensued between Scott and Mr. Sourwolf. It was as if they were having a conversation that I couldn't hear, and it was maddening. It got to the point that they were flashing their eyes and growling at each other... which was my cue.

"Okay- okay! There will not be a werewolf brawl in my front entry! I'd never get the blood out of the carpet- and then how would I explain that to my dad?" I chuckled nervously as I stepped in between the two.

Tall, Dark and Handsome meets Almost Tall, Fair-Skinned and Sarcasm {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now