🍋(Lemon Side Stories) Chapter 1: Zen's Transformation?

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(Due to Ironmouse and Froot pushing back their new model debeuts, I'll be able to finish all the chapters by Halloween, so instead of removing them, I'll be making these chapters part of Lemon Side Stories)


I was visiting the VShojo Mansion for the next 2 weeks leading up to Halloween, all the girls are really happy to have me back, although I've noticed something off with Zen, first all she changed her outfit to a more human one, but I could tell there were still some hints of her android form.I also noticed she had become a lot more flirty with me then before. 

I was just sitting on the couch watching some Kamen Rider Zi-O.

(If you don't know this by now based on my other books, My Favorite Kamen Riders are tied between Zi-O and Build with Decade coming in close.)

Most of the girls were off getting ready for Halloween streams since they liked to celebrate Halloween the entire month. It was then I felt a pair of big squishy things on top of my head. I looked up to see Zen looking down at me.

 I looked up to see Zen looking down at me

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Y/n: Zen? What's wrong?

Zen: Nothing's Wrong Handsome~

Y/n: You sure? I can feel something off with you, are you sure you are alright?

Zen then decided to lift me up. Still can't understand how all the girls can lift me up like I weigh nothing, am I too thin and weak? No that's not it all, I just think all the girls have gorilla strength, no-wonder Sanchez had to get that metal exo-spine in order to survive Kanata's hugs.

(Sanchez is the other Y/n from The Multiversal Vtuber, which will also be getting updates soon.)

She then sat down and placed my in her lap. She then hugged me tight, placing my head in between her boobs. If I said I wasn't enjoying this, I would be lying. We sat like that for what seemed like forever, I enjoyed her body, she was like my own personal heater, she then finally pulled me out of the heavenly valley and looked me directly in my eyes.

Zen: You know I missed you while you gone.

Y/n: I missed you too, I missed all of you greatly.

Zen: I don't think you understand how much I missed you.

Y/n: What does that me-MMPH!

I was silenced by a deep and pasionate kiss, her lips were warm and soft for being an android, I could taste vanilla on her lips, she eventually tried to enter my mouth, but I wasn't going to give up so easily. I ended up grabbing her ass which caused her to moan. I took my chance and entered her mouth with my tongue, it was just as amazing as every other kiss, she then started to fight, so I let her win, I could tell she had been wanting this kind of kiss for a while and I'm not one to disappoint my girls. During our intense make-out session, she began to move her hand to rub my crotch. Eventually the two of us had to pull apart so I could get some air, one of the downsides of not having robotic lungs like she does. She then took me off of her lap and set me back down on the couch.

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