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Yoo (Y/N)'s POV

"That's all for today, class dismissed." The teacher announced.

The previously quiet classroom became noisy as soon as the teacher ended the class and dismissed us. This first day wasn't that bad, I had a lot of fun.

"(Y/N)!" Sana poked my cheeks. "How's your first day?"

This bubbly girl with an infectious smile plastered on her face became my first friend here. She was also the first person to initiate talking to me.

I grabbed her hand to stop her from poking my cheeks further. "Good."

I let go of her hand once I figured she would stop, this girl really had no qualms about her touchy behavior. I was uncomfortable at first but as time went on, I realized that it was just in her nature. Sana pouted but grinned once again.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to my friends!"

"No, I-" Someone cut me off.

"(Y/N), are you going home now?" It was Irene.

I didn't realize she came over to my spot, I immediately smiled and waved my hand as a casual greeting. Irene also gave a polite smile to Sana who returned it as well.

"Hey. Yeah, I'll go home straight." I answered.

"What? C'mon, I told you I'll introduce you to my friends." Sana interrupted, a cute pout peeking at her face.

"Oh, I didn't know you're close with Sana already." Irene commented.

"Ah yeah, she's the first one to talk to me."

"I see, that's good."

"Irene, babe!" Someone shouted.

The three of us looked over to the direction of the person who yelled out. It was Irene's boyfriend, Suho. I couldn't help but let out a small sigh before swinging my bag across the shoulder, ready to go.

"I'll go now," I said to them and walked out the classroom without looking back.

I heard someone's footsteps behind me. "Hey! You're not doing anything now right? You should come with me, I'll introduce you to my friends."

This bubbly girl really wanted to introduce me to her friends, although she was really insisting, I didn't feel any negative emotions. In the end, I finally relented and gave her the nod.

"Nice! We'll be going to karaoke, is that fine with you?"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I went." I chuckled and patted her head.

Sana was smaller than me with her height at 165 cm, this made me have the urge of patting her head. I even ruffled it as it felt soft to the touch.

"Yah! My hair's getting messy," she complained.

I slightly raised my hands as if surrendering and laughed. She led me outside the building and as we went to the gate, we approached a group of people. It was a mixture of girls and boys.

Sana introduced me to her friends and they all seemed cool and acted friendly towards me.

"Let's go now!" Eunha exclaimed.

Our group started to move and eventually we arrived at a karaoke place near the school. It seemed like this group was a regular here as they greeted the employee manning the counter.

We filed inside a spacious room and started the singing session. Time passed by and it was really fun, it has been a while since I spent time outside with friends.

Sana and I sang a duet to which the rest cheered us for. They even started teasing us to which I ignored and didn't give meaning to. Sana also scolded them.

After some time, we ultimately decided to leave the place. I didn't realize that it was almost nighttime. I forgot to inform Grandpa that I would go out with friends.

"Hey, I'll go ahead now. Thanks for inviting me." I politely bowed.

"No worries, bro."

"We had fun!"

"Come with us again,"

They were all cool about it and this made me smile. I was about to go when Sana stopped me asking the direction to my house. I told her the area where I would go home and she said it was the same direction to her house so she would go with me.

"I'll go with you, we're going in the same direction anyways."


It was also great since it's almost nighttime and the rest of the group were going the opposite direction of us. It was better for Sana to join me so she wouldn't be alone going home.

We were walking silently and the atmosphere wasn't awkward or anything, rather, it was quite comfortable. I wasn't the type of person to quickly be comfortable with someone but Sana made me feel comfortable with her in just a day that it amazed me to be honest. Maybe it was because of her bubbly and cheerful aura.

"So, (Y/N). Did you have fun with us?" She broke the silence and even bowed apologetically to me. "Also, I would like to apologize for my friends behavior earlier if that made you uncomfortable."

My eyes glanced at her and I could see that she really seemed to be feeling apologetic for that. It really didn't bother me or anything because I didn't take it seriously. The way she looked made me laugh.

"I'm not used to seeing you like this," I replied with a smile and ruffled her hair. "I'm not bothered by that at all so don't worry about it."

Sana let out a visible sigh of relief and eventually got back to her cheerful state. We continued walking and had random conversations.

"By the way, Irene seemed familiar with you..."

"Oh, yeah. I know her. Her grandfather took me in and I'm staying with him right now." I answered nonchalantly.

"Oh, so that's why."

"I'm just curious..." I trailed off, still hesitating if I should ask the question or not.


"How long does Irene and her boyfriend been dating?" I finally let out the question.

I felt Sana's burning gaze at me to which made me feel conscious all of a sudden. I was about to dismiss the question and change topic when she answered.

"From what I know, they started going out during freshmen year."

My mouth formed an 'o', it would mean that they were dating for at least one year already. For some reason, it made me feel sad momentarily. I shook my head and tried to stabilize my mood to normal.

We had other random conversations til we reached the place where we part ways as we were near her house already.

"Thank you for walking me here. I had fun with you, (Y/N). I hope we stay as friends for a long time, see you!"

"Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow."

We bid goodbyes and I felt my phone vibrate, it was a text from Grandpa. He was asking where I was since it was almost nighttime. I typed in a reply that I was on my home already and apologized that I didn't inform him earlier that I would hang out with friends.

As I was walking, I remembered a certain someone. My mind was filled with wondering about stuff like did she spend time with her boyfriend earlier or what was she doing right now. More and more often, she was invading my thoughts.

'Irene, what are you doing to me...?'


Good day, quite a short and boring chapter haha. Anyways, feel free to comment and do follow if you still haven't. Adios, see you on the next update!

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