We walked around the park for probably 30 minutes before Atlas started complaining that his legs hurt. He would let me hold him. Anytime I asked if London wanted me to take him, he would start yelling at me.

"Okay, little guy. Where is the last place you saw your parents?" It took him a second to give me an answer. London and I both share a look.

"What direction did you come from?" She asked him. Atlas head was buried in Londons hair. "I don't know, but I'm hungry." He said in a tired voice.

I looked around one last time, hoping that I would spot a couple that resembled the little boy in London's arms. But to my luck, the park was almost empty and no one looked as though they had lost a small child.

"Let's go get him something to eat." I tell London as I move beside her. She gives me a nod. I could just see it on her face. She was tired and annoyed. "Alright." Great, her day is probably ruined now.


"Maybe we should just bring him into the police station." I suggested, but by the look on London's face, I regret even giving her the suggestion at all. Her dark eyes narrow at me, and her face holds no emotion. "No." When I go to argue with her, she begins to speak again.

"No August I will not take him to the police station. He will be scared and alone in a small room with some stupid fucking graham crackers until his mom comes to get him." She snaps before looking down at Atlas. He is asleep in her lap.

"You don't understand August." She says softly as she runs her fingers through his dark hair.

"That crap burns into your memory." And nothing can get it to go away. The thought that you are alone and forgotten is one of the worst feelings in the world." She stares down at him, but it almost looks like she isn't really there.

It's like she is lost in a trance. "But we can't keep him." I say, softly. I watch as London wipes her cheek before looking up at me.

"I know but can we just look for a little bit longer and then we can take him to a police station." She quickly looks down at the boy in her lap and then back at me. "But I'll stay there until they find his parents." I give her a nod.

Getting out of the booth. "Let me take him." I say, holding my arms out. I lean down, taking the small boy into my arms, resting his little head in the crook of my neck. I could hear his light snores as he slept in my arms.

"We can look until the sun starts going down." I told her. I watch as a sad smile makes its way onto her lips. We walk in silence as we walk down the busy streets.

I look over at London. She looks as though she is trapped in her own head. I have always hated that feeling.

The feeling you get when your mind starts to take over and all the bad thoughts and memories come flooding in and it becomes so loud that it gets hard to hear the outside world.

The feeling you get when your mind starts to take over and all the bad thoughts and memories come flooding in and it becomes so loud that it gets hard to hear the outside world

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