I slowly walk towards the door before locking it and crawling in bed. It seems that all I'm doing lately is cry about this relationship and it's not healthy.

After a moment I hear a knock on the door.

" Serena? " Elias says softly.

I don't answer him.

I squeeze my eyes shut as hot tears trail down my face.

Elias tries a couple more times before Vera does. They eventually stop after hearing not a word from me , not a sound.

Hours pass by and the sun is now setting. I stopped crying a while ago so I've sat and looked at nothing in particular. I haven't moved from my spot and I finally feel the affects from the hours of crying.

I walk into the bathroom and I look into the mirror at my red and swollen eyes , puffy cheeks , and chapped lips. My hair is a knotted mess as I throw it up into a bun and splash cold water on my face.

I walk back out of the bathroom and I sit back down on the bed , once again looking at nothing specific. My phone has gone off many times and I ended up turning it off.

My stomach painfully reminds me that I haven't eaten and I know I'm dehydrated. I grab my water bottle from the nightstand and greedily chug the whole bottle.

I wrap myself back into the covers and I close my eyes, trying but failing miserably to fall asleep.

Isla and Jax came by and tried to get me to unlock the door , but gave up after many failed attempts. The house has been silent for hours and it's peaceful to me.

Nightfall comes quickly , so I look at the night sky until I feel myself slipping away into a deep slumber.

The next day....

I open my door and I see Isla sleeping on the floor with Vera. They're wrapped up in blankets and pillows but still look a bit uncomfortable. Guilt washes over me, if I would've just said something, anything, or maybe even of opened the door, they wouldn't of felt like they needed to sleep on the floor.

" Serena " Isla sleepily says

Vera's eyes pop open and they both tackle me in a tight hug before assessing my weak and tired state. Isla runs her fingers through my hair and looks at me with so much concern that tears begin to form in my eyes.

We stare at each other for so long that Vera had drawn a bath for me and made me a big breakfast, no bacon this time.

As I sit in the tub, I notice that Vera put Epsom salt in, scented lavender. She sits a tray over my tub with the food and a large glass of water before her and Isla make themselves comfy on the floor once again.

" He never came back, did he " I whisper out.

Isla and Vera look at each other before looking at me.

" I'm sorry Serena. " Vera whispers out.

She excuses herself for a moment as tears run down my face once more.

" Come on, let's get you cleaned up. " Isla says as she grabs a few products.

Isla brushes out my hair as Vera comes back in the bathroom with a plastic bag. I look at her in confusion as she sets the bag down on the countertop, but I decide not to question it.

After an hour or so, I begin to feel a bit better. I feel cleaner as I throw on a pair of underwear and an oversized tee shirt. As I walk into the room, I see Isla and Vera looking at me nervously.

" What's wrong? " I ask.

Vera disappears into the bathroom before she comes back out with the plastic bag. She then pulls out the contents of the bag, and I freeze in my spot.

A pregnancy test.

Could I really be pregnant?

A million thoughts race through my mind as I begin to think about all the possibilities, when, where, obviously not the how...

" Vera told me you threw up, and it could be nothing but stress or maybe you really did have a hangover, but take it to be sure. " Isla says.

I nod my head before I shakily take the test away from Vera.

" Will y'all come in the bathroom with me? " I ask

We all make our way into the bathroom before Vera sits on the floor while Isla makes herself comfy on the edge of the tub.

Not even thirty seconds go by as we all stare at the test and it pops up.


" I'm sure it's wrong, let me take the other one. " I frantically say.

I stick another test in the cup and take it out after a couple of seconds.


Sobs escape from me as I look at the two lines. Deep down, I've always wanted to be a mother. I dreamed of the day I could hold my son or daughter and give them the love they deserve.

" What am I supposed to do? " I cry out

Vera and Isla are quick to embrace me. My entire body shakes as I take my hand and place it on my stomach. With the way things are going with Atlas, I wonder how I'm supposed to tell him.

He has a right to know, and whether or not he wants to stay is up to him. Either way, I'm keeping this baby and I will do everything I can to give he or she a good life.

" I need to tell Atlas. " I say after a moment.

" I agree. I truly hope this makes him act right. But Serena, if it doesn't and he leaves, know I have your back and you have my support always. " Isla says.

" Mine too. " Vera says.


A few hours later, the three of us head up to the penthouse after we desperately searched for a way to tell Atlas the news. Holding the box in my hand, Isla and Vera head to the kitchen while I go upstairs.

As I open the door a gasp leaves my mouth and I stand in shock.

All of Atlas's things are gone , his clothes , products , every trace of him. I walk towards the bed as I see a piece of white paper. I put the box down and I open the paper to see a letter.

Serena, you must know I never felt anything for you. I used you to rebel against my father, I was angry at him for many personal reasons. I made you and him believe I was in love with you, but now the truth comes to light. I never meant for it to go this far, so I'm putting an end to it now. Now that you know the truth, hopefully you can use that to move on.

- Atlas

I sob loudly as I read this and settle down onto the bed. I re read the note many times before it's finally snatched away from me.

A pair of arms wrap around me but all I can feel is my quickened heartbeat and shaking hands. My breathing becomes staggered and my vision becomes cloudy until I finally see nothing.

How do we feel about the ending?

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