Chapter 8

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Jordan's POV

(Matching outfits Danielle and I wore to party, mine is the one on the left.)

Christmas had passed and the New Years party was tomorrow. My mom and brothers were visiting my grandmother and my dad and I have practice. We head off to practice and I go into the room and almost immediately shout out my dilemma "I have nothing to wear!" "Well don't come in if your naked" Cooper laughed to himself "shut up." Ty said slightly hostile. "whats wrong?" He looked at me. "I have nothing to wear tomorrow" I said dropping my bag in my corner. "I have something you can wear! Why don't you sleep over tonight?" Danielle shouted. "okay I'll go tell my dad" I ran out of the room to tell my dad.

Once practice was over I went over to Danielle's house and took a shower. Danielle French braided my hair to make it wavy and then I tried on the outfit she picked out for me. "where did you get this? It's my exact size?" I asked confused on why she had two outfits that were so similar. "well that was supposed to be a part of your Christmas gift but I forgot it.." she laughed.

"oh wow thanks now let's put on our pjs and watch a movie." I smiled and went to change into my onesie I keep at Danielle's house and then went and choosing a movie. I choose the Outsiders because it's our favourite movie and there's a lot of hot guys (😋👍🏻👌🏻) then get out the mighty ducks as our second movie. when Danielle is done changing we got popcorn, chips, fresh-baked cookies that her aunt just made, and ordered a pizza.

We watched our movies and then it hit me. New Years means a new year... That year will NOT have my sister in it. I instantly felt sick.

I ran to the bathroom throwing up, I can't live without her. I didn't feel like staying and I didn't want to tell Danielle how I was feeling but I did throw up so that's a pretty good excuse, I called Kyle to pick me up.

Kyle picked me up and we went home. He was asking why I left, I never wanted to leave her house he knew something was wrong.

"What happened? You wouldn't leave there if I payed you. Did you guys get in a fight?" He asked as he drove down then street. It was around mid-night and we about 5 minutes away from home.

"You don't want to know.." I said but when I looked at him he had his protective look on his face which means if I don't tell him I'll get interrogated later. "Alright well I had a moment to think... and we all know that's never good, but New Year's Eve is tomorrow and Kayley is not coming into 2015 with us... I just don't know what to do..."

My saviourNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ